WATCH: Kiryas Joel Children Hold Anti-Israel Protest On Tisha B’av

37 Responses

  1. Great lesson in achdus and ahavas hinam. These kids will most certainly grow up and be mekarev their brethren. If you think nk is bad wait and see what good will come from our generation.

    Two groups protested on tisha b’av kiryas yoel and toeiva crowd in tel Aviv. Very nice.

  2. BH
    The chinuch is there…
    We must have the world hear our tzaar.
    And the end of the day all frum yidden are sufferring from the achzurious of the israeli government…

  3. I guess “Yeshiva” world news is doing it’s best to make the galus last longer by perpetuating the loshon hora and r’chilus that will go along with with toys video.

  4. Mommy I’m bored. What should I do?
    1) Clean your room.
    2) Invite a neighbor
    3) Play a board game
    4) Read a book
    5) Go outside & protest the Medina

  5. We need to counter act this indoctrination and chilul hashem with achdus with all yidden including the 6 million in erets yisroel. If we are silent and only anti israel people make themselves heard what will be in the end!?!

  6. Is this to show Hashem even more שנאת חינם on Tisha B’Av – no less?!

    What kind of Chinuch are they getting? Who is responsible for this hatred?


  7. Seems to a Tisha B’Av camp activity sending kids out in the rain to protest Israel in a town where only their own people would see them.

  8. Great idea for a tisha bav! I’m so tired of fake achdus events and speeches.
    They should go join their cousins in doing the same things in gaza.

  9. ATTENTION KIRYAS JOEL “ Rabbis”: First, One of the Rambams 613 Mitzvos is we CANNOT BEHAVE LIKE GOYIM. It is Ossur! Never in Jewish History did Yidden and Yiddish Children STAND IN STREETS AND YELL Like Goyim! Like Street Bum Hoodlums, like Arab Youth, like Occupy Hippies!

  10. KIRYAS JOEL Teaching Kids to Behave like Goyim to Stand and Shout in Streets, which is Against Halacha! Oser Diyuraisa!

  11. In Israel Hundreds of Thousands Of Jews are learning in Thousands Shuls and Yeshivas, but if you want to go back to days of PROGROMS and Blood Libels When entire Jewish Villages were Burned and millions Jews shot and Gassed , then STOP USING OUR TAX DOLLARS, and MOVE TO GAZA and SYRIA and Live Under the Palestinians you love so much! Go!

  12. I live in Israel and I can understand why Satmar is anti Israel. There is a feeling of being here that we are in a Jewish state; which it is NOT; we have a very goyish secular mentality fueling popular opinion here.

    But the good news is that as the charadi population continues to grow the real Jewish influencce is getting greater to convert this place from a state of Jews to a Jewish state and maybe soon Moshiach will come

  13. I guess this is the Satmar version of child abuse. Learn to hate at an early age. Just the right message on Tisha B’av. Whats next? Maybe a mud wrestling match between the Aronites and Zalmanites.

  14. YWN shame on you!! This is not an anti-Israel rally but an anti-draft rally. Look at the posters !! Not only is this an important cause but it is one of the many reasons we still have tisha B’av..Please change the headline or take it down!!

  15. Tisha B’av. Have we not learned ANYTHING. Jew vs Jew. Shame on YOU using children for your propaganda.
    If it was not for the State you’d all be rotting in hell in the hands of the Goyim.

  16. Poor kids have no clue what they are doing or saying. Why dont the parents have the guts to spew this trash…cowards.
    Perhaps ACS should be notified…

  17. Nebach…

    Satmar has elevated anti-Zionism and the embracing of Galus to the center of their religion, and are unable to see anything else. I feel bad for the children who are being raised this way.

    an Israeli Yid

  18. Is this site suppose to serve the chareidy community!?
    Well, i guess the people here need a reality check. As it’s well known that all previous tzadikim were openly against zionism, to name a few – the Chufeitz Chaim Zt”l, to reb Elchunen Waserman hy”d, to the guan reb Chaim Oizer Zt”l, to brisker ruv Zt”l.

    They all opposed all sorts of zionism, as the chufeitz Chaim called them Zera Amuleik (based on Zohar Hakodes), reb Elchonun clearly states that religious-zionism is avoida zoro beshituf.

    We are all waiting for the coming of Moshiach tzidkeinu!!

    After all, this was a protest against the “Government” that leads gezeiros against yeshvias, and the Torah
    Please explain, how can one be a maamin in the 13 Aany Maamin’s, and be a zionist.

    And it’s needless to say that many tzadikim of post WWII stated that zionism brought upon this churban due to dechikas hakeitz.

    It would be rational to say, that one should self-check their amunah, as follows;
    What upsets me more? someone denying 1 of the 13 Aany Maamins, or someone talking on the medina?


    Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, The Chofetz Chaim (1838 – 1933)
    The most authoritative biography of the Chafetz Chaim was written by his son, Reb Aryeh Leib HaCohen, who was the head of the Beit Din in Radin, and the Radin Rosh Yeshiva after his father’s death.
    The biography stresses his father’s positive attitude towards Eretz Yisrael and Aliyah:
    “I remember that in the years 5650-5651 (1890-1891), when our Jewish brothers were expelled from Moscow, a great movement to make Aliyah to our Eretz Yisroel arose. The hundreds and thousands of refugees sought shelter in the land of our fathers. There they bought land, planted trees, and established settlements. At this time I received a letter from my father of blessed memory in which he pointed out to me the great surge amongst all facets of our nation to make aliyah to Israel. He assumes that these are now the days of the ikvesa d’Meshicha, footsteps of the Mashiach (Messiah), that Hashem has remembered His nation, and that it is very probably the beginning of the ingathering of the exiles which precedes the coming of the Mashiach. If we had the capability, it would be proper to buy land and make aliyah to Israel….” [1]
    [1] Source: Torat Eretz Yisrael by R. David Samson and Tzvi Fishman. Jerusalem, Israel: Torat Eretz Yisrael Publications; 1991. page 237

  20. While many posts require response, I pick first on “bdtz1″ because of his blatant lies (even if he is being sarcastic, this is still wrong). As one example, the ” chufeitz Chaim” as “bdtz1 calls him, never called Zionists “Zera Amuleik”. The topic of those remarks were actually referring to certain specific Jewish communists in Russia. And for the record, those same communists were anti-Zionist.

  21. > garlic

    “we have a very goyish secular mentality fueling popular opinion here.”

    Instead of arguing the point (as others already have well shown here) that your statements are one-sided, I would point out that even in your own version of things it is not relevant anyway. RAMBAM tells us that it is a necessary part of the mitzvah of Chanukah to know the story that the Jews defeated the Greeks and established their own Jewish government for hundreds of years. The RAMBAM (by stating the years) has included the years under Herod! Thus the years under a Roman vassal “slave” named Herod who the Talmud blames for the massacre of the Sanhedrin is still, as much as you may not like it, something we “celebrate” on Chanukah – simply because he is our Jewish problem and not some other goy.

  22. Its perfectly OK for any group of yidden to passionately support or oppose the policies of the government of EY (or even the existence of the government as is the case here). What many object to is the mindless indoctrination of little children and their use of the children as props to purse their parent’s’ agenda. As others have noted, these kids have no clue why they are marching and screaming sound bites denigrating other yidden.

  23. I don’t know if the Chofetz Chaim ever actually called the Zionists Amalekim but his talmid muvhak R’ Elchanon Wasserman, zatzukel, did so in print many times, some of them while the Chofetz Chaim was still alive, and it’s clear that he would never have said anything he thought his revered Rebbe would have disagreed with. I suspect that the Chofetz Chaim’s silence on this point was similar to his public silence on a raging war that occurred in the Yeshiva World a few decades earlier over whether to adapt the changes of R’ Yisroel Salanater and the Mussar Movement he founded in the Yeshivos at the time. Even though the Chofetz Chaim had strong feelings in favor of the Mussar Movement, he kept quiet in public for fear that the opponents of R’ Yisroel Salanter would use it as an excuse to attack his magnum opus the Mishna Brura, which he felt was needed by all of Clal Yisroel. Here also he probably did not publicly express the strong feelings he was known to have about Zionism for the same reason, and left it to his talmid R’ Elchanon, whose written positions on this point are totally unambiguous.

  24. @por
    Rav Elchanan Wasserman also forbade students to leave Europe to attend YU or HTC in america as he feared it would be damaging to their nishomos. Many if not most of those students died in the Holocaust.
    He also never lived to see the state of israel. So i think your statement is a bit out of context. Perhaps he would say to make aliyah because jews can live in piece and learn there.
    zionism in 1930 and zionism today are very different.

  25. por por por
    I wonder if it is true what you wrote of Rav Elchana Wasserman zl.
    As his SON WAS A ROSH YESHIVA IN ISRAEL and the yeshiva is called OHR ELCHANAN!

  26. ok, fellow Yidden H”Y

    First it should be stated, that Eretz Yisroel and lehavdil Medinas Yisroel are very very opposite, and have nothing in common. While Eretz Yisroel bring us closer to hashem, Medinas Yisroel (the government, and the nationalism), is the greatest mechitza between us and Hashem yisburach. I Once heard a drasha by Hurav Shcelsinger shlit”a of England;
    Where he explained it as such, at the time when the reform jews where, the tazdikim made a greater effort for Eretz Yisroel, then the Yezer Hora, came up with the idea, Zionism, and the tzadikim smelled it and realized the grave danger, and trap, so they very much warned against it. and many even didn’t believe that we would be given such a dangerous test.

    Number two, Rav Elchanan says that the term Zera Amulem refers to only the leaders of these terrible movemets.

    3) Just realize, the Zionism is a vehicle, and when someone attacks it, he doesn’t attack you personally. As an example; Let say there would have been a “Protest” @ the time of WWII, to protest the Wagons who carried nebech our most precious parents and brethren to the ovens R”L, would you think they would’ve get insulted in any way? no way, they would have been so delighted.

    So here we go, this vehicle (read: Zionism), has already taken to the ovens of Shemad Millions of our precious brethren R”L. Yes Millions in Eretz Yisroel nebech don’t know what Shema Yisroel means, so how do we get insulted when there somewhat of a protest.

    Lets just jump off this vehicle, and we’ll see a totally different picture.

    At this same time I have recently came more accainted with Rav Elchanan’s seforim, and was amazed to find out how much clarity he sheds on this subject. Just get yourself a copy of his Seifer ספר עיקבתא דמשיחא, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. And anyone claiming here that he would’ve changed his mind, clearly shows that he hasn’t read up this seifer.

    And at the end, I should mention, that today I’ve downloaded (bought it) his Seifer קובץ מאמרים
    , where the first letter from Rav Elchanan on his Rebbe the Chufeitz Chaim, there is a protest against the Mizrach party, for the embarrassment of the Chufeitz Chaim. I don’t know what the subject matter was, but we can see that Religious Zionism was not happy with him, and they dared to attack him..

  27. sammydoesit: Were those talmidim better off perishing with their faith intact and going to Gan Eden or losing their faith in America and suffering in the next world? After the Hebron massacre, R’ Elchanon wrote that while the Arabs had killed a few dozen or maybe even a few hundred Jews, the Zionist educational system had already destroyed hundreds of thousands of neshomos, and greater is the sin of one who causes someone to sin than that of someone who kills him. He wrote this during the Chofetz Chaim’s lifetime, surely with his approval.

    BenK: I ate by R’ Simcha Wasserman, ztl, Friday night shortly before my chasuna and he showed me a strongly anti-Zionist article (I wish I remembered where it was from), and I have from a friend of mine who was close to him (and who collaborated with R’ Simcha in writing a book of his thinking) that he resisted all the pressures to endorse any of the political parties and made a point of being out the country during all the elections. He came to one of my sheva brochos and gave me a copy of his father’s pamphlet “The Epoch of Messiah” which he had published. Read it to see what R’ Elchanon held about Jewish “nationalism”. In the “Collected Essays”, also published by R’ Simcha, R’ Elchanon writes, “It it clear as the Sun that the Land will vomit them out (the leaders of the Zionists) since it is the Palace of the King and doesn’t tolerate those who do aveiros, and even more those aveiros l’hachis (to anger Hashem). I am not coming to curse or to bless, but since these things are written in the Torah, they will certainly be fulfilled.” He goes on to clarify that he’s talking only about the leaders and opinion molders, but not about the masses of their followers.

  28. I would just add on that the heading of the last mentioned protest letter, reads as:
    “צום אנפאל פון מזרחי אויפן חפץ חיים שליט”א”
    which translates to regarding the attack by the Mizrachy on the Chufeitz Chaim Shlita

  29. por I guess he did not endorse Agudas Yisroel or Degel HaTorah or Shas who apparently ave IDFFERENT views.
    Whatever the case , need I repeat

  30. BenK,

    You are somehow getting it wrong.
    No one is rallying against the 6 Million yidden living in Eretz Yisroel, however, they are rallying against this Shemad Vehicle, in favor of the 6 Million yidden.

    Just throw off that Zionism thinking cap, and you will see, that no-one is pointing at you.
    I beg you, just separate yourself for one single hour, and you will realize what’s really going on.
    I am promise you, Zionism is not one of the “שש מצוות תמידיות” …
    You will not go in Gehenom for distancing yourself for a bit.

  31. Lie 1. That this Screaming Protest in Streets Of NY is against Israeli Draft:
    If it were, it would be outside Knesset in Israel.

    Lie 2. That Screaming in Streets is against Bochrim being drafted:

    The Current Peleg Protests Are Against Having to File Exemptions, because it’s bittul Zman- But Rioting in Streets is Much More Bittul Zman And Against Halacha Of Dinah dMalchusa Dina and the Issur Of Behaving Like Goyim who riot in Streets. These people go to MVA office and Passport Office And FOODSTAMP OFFICE can file exemption too!

  32. This is how We we’re Gifted the Land Of Israel after the Atrocities Of Holocaust after 2000 years of PROGROMS and Slaughters. If Hashem wanted to bring a Frum govt in Israel, He would: But These Protestors Show WHY THERE ISNT an Frum Govt!


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