Simcha Felder: Ensure Safe Schools, Public and Non-Public

felder security.jpgCouncil Members Simcha Felder, Joel Rivera and John Liu held a press conference announcing legislation providing security to non-public schools. This legislation would direct the Department of Education, upon request of the authorities of a non-public school, provide children who attend these schools with security services made available to children attending public schools.

Simple security measures such as an assessment of the security needs of a school or the installation of video cameras can be the difference between a safe school and an unfortunate tragedy. Non-public schools provide essential educational services many families in New York City rely on.

“In this time of heightened security awareness, we must do everything we can to ensure the safety of all our children,” Felder said.

CM Liu stated: “The reality is that New York City is on the front lines in this war against terrorism, and it’s our responsibility to make sure that every New York school kid has a safe learning environment. This bill upholds our responsibility.”


To amend the New York city charter, in relation to requiring the New York city department of education to provide certain security measures for nonpublic schools.

Be it enacted by the Council as follows:

Section 1.  Chapter 20 of the New York city charter is amended by adding a new section 530 to read as follows:
§530.  Provision of security services to nonpublic schools.
a. Definitions.  For the purposes of this section, “nonpublic school” shall mean any nonprofit elementary or secondary school in the city of New York, other than a public school, which is providing instruction in accordance with the education law of the state of New York.
b. The New York city department of education shall, upon request of the authorities of a nonpublic school, provide children who attend such school with any or all of the security services which are made available by the department of education to or for children attending the department’s public schools.  Such security measures may include, but are not limited to, an assessment of the security needs of the nonpublic school, placement of school safety officers at the nonpublic school and the use of video cameras or metal detectors.  The New York city police department shall cooperate with the department of education in implementing these security measures.
§2.  This local law shall take effect 120 days after its enactment into law. 

(In the picture are Council Members John Liu, Simcha Felder, and Peter Vallone Jr.)

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