Ohio’s First Jewish Senator Dies

wetzenbaum.jpgFormer Democratic Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum – Ohio’s first Jewish U.S. senator – died at the age of 90, at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida Wednesday night.

Juanita Powe, his assistant for 45 years, told the media that Metzenbaum’s wife and his four daughters were at his bedside when he died.

He had served in the Senate as Democratic senator from Ohio for almost 20 years, since 1976 when he was first elected after a brief appointment in 1974 to fill a vacancy. He was re-elected to two more six-year terms before quitting in 1995.

He was best known as “Senator No” and “Headline Howard” for his ability to block legislation and get publicity for himself.

According to the JTA, Metzenbaum advocated for the Jewish community on issues such as civil rights, hate crimes laws, religious freedom and voting rights.

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