Statement Of Agudath Israel Of America On The Nomination Of Judge Brett Kavanaugh To The US Supreme Court

Agudath Israel of America, a national Orthodox Jewish organization, welcomes President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy. Judge Kavanaugh possesses the qualities necessary to assume a seat on the nation’s highest court.

He is a man of great intellect and intelligence, and he has exhibited the temperament that results in judicious and well-reasoned rulings. His scholarship and extensive public service on the U.S. Court of Appeals have provided him expertise in a wide array of legal areas.

We will review Judge Kavanaugh’s opinions over the next few weeks and will follow the Senate proceedings closely. As Americans of faith, we will be especially focused on his views on religious liberty and we are, at our initial reading, gratified to see that Judge Kavanaugh has given due deference to the protection of free exercise, and has advocated for partnership between government and religious institutions in addressing society’s needs. We are particularly pleased by Judge Kavanaugh’s sensitivity when, in private practice, he represented a Jewish congregation pro bono in a zoning dispute, as such ordinances are increasingly becoming an area of conflict for Jews in many localities.

Agudath Israel has every reason to believe that, in this and other areas of jurisprudence, this distinguished nominee has fairly and accurately interpreted the law.

The Senate should extend Judge Kavanaugh every courtesy and consideration, even as it explores his rulings and constitutional philosophy.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Agudas Yisroel had no business interfering or commenting on the issue of the US separating families. It was a chilul hashem to the US President. Aguda does not have a right to bash Trump.

  2. Everyone has a right to point out the wrongs of any politician. In the case of the separation of children from their parents, perhaps it would be a chilul H’ not to speak out.

  3. “……In the case of the separation of children from their parents,….”
    Of course.
    Did anybody speak out when this was going on during The Kenyan’s regime?
    Of course not.
    Trump inherited this mess , tried to meet with Dems but they refused to negotiate..
    Resist..!! Resist !!

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