Fox’s Hume Says Democrats Don’t Love The Country In Deleted Tweets

Fox News Channel analyst Brit Hume has deleted a Fourth of July tweet that suggested Democrats “sure don’t love” America.

Hume had referred to a Gallup poll that said only 47 percent of Americans are “extremely proud” to be Americans, the lowest percentage in the 18 years that the polling company has been asking that question. Among Democrats, 32 percent of poll respondents said this.

In his since-deleted tweet, Hume had linked to an article about the poll in a conservative blog that was titled, “Why do Democrats hate America?”

“Hate may be too strong a word but they sure don’t love it,” Hume wrote.

Hume later wrote that some people thought that wasn’t a fair conclusion from the poll. “I agree and thus the deletion,” he said. A former ABC News correspondent, Hume anchored Fox’s evening newscast before retiring to an analyst’s role.

Gallup said that 85 percent of Democrats reported that they were extremely, very or moderately proud of America.

Only 4 percent of Democrats said they were “not at all” proud of the country, Gallup said.

Fox has taken heat for a number of statements made by its personalities and guests in recent weeks. Prime-time host Laura Ingraham likened detention centers where migrant children were separated from their parents to summer camps, and commentator Ann Coulter called some of the children “child actors.” Commentator Corey Lewandowski made noises belittling a story about a 10-year-old girl with Down’s Syndrome held by authorities. Contributor David Bossie said on the air to a black Democratic strategist that “you’re out of your cotton-picking mind.”


6 Responses

  1. This is why I barely watch Fox News anymore.
    Hume should have NOT deleted his tweet. Most Dems do NOT love America (and even more of them hate Israel).

  2. vote’treif” -so you are proud of the cruelty and racist and white supremacist view from this administration?

  3. You can pretend and delete all you want, but I think its quite obvious that the left, which are mostly democrats, do NOT love America, as they are constantly trying to “fundamentally” change it. They’re trying (and sometimes succeeding) to turn this country into communist Russia.

  4. Rabbiofberlin: Please show us proof of your statement “cruelty and racist and white supremacist view”? Did I hear you complain when Mr. Rubashkin was separated from his family for 8 years under the previous administration? or how the 9th Circuit decision regarding not holding minors for more than 20 days led to separating of these undocumented foreigners from their children?

  5. I think a lot of people here are confusing, “I love America” with “I love what the current administration is doing.” As someone once said, saying “My country right or wrong” is on a par with saying “My mother, drunk or sober.” You can love your country but not be proud of what its administration is doing at any particular time.

    We are a great country. (Sorry, Mr. Trump, we’re great now. We don’t need to be “great again with your help.) Part of that greatness lies in the fact that when we make a mistake we usually correct it. Some things may be taking longer to correct than others, but generally we end up doing what’s right.

    lacrisma: The Obama administration didn’t sentence Mr. Rubashkin. That was a local judge in Iowa. Part of our national survival has been that our judges are independent. The judge would have told Mr. Obama to get lost the same way she did all the other pressure from groups in NY for leniency. We Midwesterners are an independent bunch.

    Separating children: The current mass separations only began when Mr. Trump issued an executive order stating that all illegal border-crossing should be prosecuted as a felony, not a misdemeanor, making it necessary to separate families. Before that border officials had broad choice in how to proceed. Note that he was able to cancel it with an executive order too, so it wasn’t legally required in the first place.

    When you read the news, please read all of the article carefully.

  6. Fact….Children were separated during Obama’s term… Trump tried to alleviate the problem in a meeting with Congresspeople in the Oval Office, tried to make a deal and concessions, but Dems weren’t interested..

    Fact…”….. I think a lot of people here are confusing, “I love America” with “I love what the current administration is doing…..”
    Nobody’s confused. University profRESSors all over this great nation have been lecturing for decades how awful this country is..
    What bugs the left is that Trump is hitting back hard, after years of them verbally abusing, physically assaulting and lying about conservatives and American values.. So now, they’re blaming the prez because they had a free bully ride… Their assaults continue… throwing people out of restaurants, harassing opponens , etc…
    The boiling point is close…. Watch what you wish for Maxine … MAGA

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