Record Low: Only 47 Percent Are ‘Extremely Proud’ to Be American

A new survey by Gallup shows less than half of all U.S. adults are “extremely proud” to be American. When confined to just Democrats, that number falls to less than a third.

Overall, 47 percent of U.S. adults are “extremely proud” to be American, a figure Gallup said is a record low since they began polling on the question in 2003. Among Democrats, that number stands at just 32 percent. 74 percent of Republicans say they are “extremely proud” to be American.

Republicans, who consistently identify as “extremely proud” to be American at a significantly higher rate than Democrats, are actually up from 68 percent in 2016.

Democrats, conversely, said they were “extremely proud” at a rate of 46 percent in 2016, a number has dropped by 14 percent in 2018.

Gallup concluded what seems to be obvious — that feelings about President Donald Trump have, at the very least, played a role in the declines among Democrats.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Simply – because Democrats only want a very liberal gov. They don’t actually believe in Democracy.
    It’s their way or the highway!

  2. why not headline ‘94% record high proud to be american’, then in small letters on page 99 ‘democrats only 47%’…distorted news is also FAKE NEWS

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