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Levaya Of Rebbitzen Sarah Baila Kaplan A”H

candle73.gifWe regret to inform you of the passing of Rebbitzen Sarah Baila Kaplan A”H, Almanah of Rav Mendel Kaplan ZATZAL – who was a Rosh Yeshiva in Philadelphia. The Levaya will take place today at 2:30PM EST at Yeshivat Mikdash Melech, 1326 Ocean Parkway (between M&N), Brooklyn. Rebbetzin Kaplan A”H was 97 and had been hospitalized for the last few weeks. The Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

3 Responses

  1. Daughter of Rabbi Hirsh Gutman Rosh yeshiva of Reb Elchonon Wassermans yeshiva in Baranowitz,Poland al ink to the past Met Alter of Novardhok when a child and knew by way of family Reb Chaim Ozer ztl such a smile and warmth that only comes from European pre war Yid went through Shanghai China by way of Vilna during war Her Husband Reb Mendel was niftar 23 years ago and all his talmidim still to this day speak of him in such glowing terms re Rabbi Berel Wein from Chicago youth may she be a Meilitz Yosher

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