ICE-CHOPPERS: Liberals Like DeBlasio & Gillibrand Now Want ICE Border Guard Abolished

The idea was once relegated to the far-left. But the liberal push to abolish the federal agency that enforces federal immigration laws is going mainstream in the Democratic Party, with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Mayor Bill de Blasio adding their support to the cause in the last 24 hours.

“I believe that [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] has become a deportation force … and that’s why I believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works,” Gillibrand said in a CNN interview Thursday night.

“We should abolish ICE,” de Blasio said Friday morning on WNYC radio.

Gillibrand’s endorsement is notable as she’s the first sitting senator to back the ‘abolish ICE’ push — and is considered a potential 2020 presidential contender.

They join numerous other Democratic candidates, House members, liberal commentators and writers who have fought back against the Trump administration’s immigration policies by calling to gut ICE — which identifies, arrests and deports illegal immigrants inside the United States.

The growing influence behind the push was underscored earlier this week with liberal primary challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s shocking victory over Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., a member of party leadership.

Ocasio-Cortez emphasized her support for abolishing ICE during the campaign, and even protested outside an ICE center in Texas.


7 Responses

  1. These liberals are not only brain dead but heartless, immoral traitors. Would DeBlasio first abolish his traffic police that play the gotcha ticket game with New Yorkers and fill his coffers? Creating lawlessness is not the position of anyone with a shred of loyalty to his/her country. Are they looking for the chaos? Would they bring that atmosphere into their own homes?

    Let’s look at the how to rid ourselves of things that don’t work. Several areas in the New York region needed major repair. A few bridges, like Bayonne, Goethals, Tappan Zee, etc. The idea to destroy the old before creating an avenue for the traffic in the meantime would have cost anyone their election, and these imbeciles know that. They created alternatives, and then did their work. If there are legitimate issues with ICE, then create the alternative, transfer authority, and complete the replacement. The Abolish Movement is fundamentally flawed and evil. May Hashem help us be rid of these nasty politicians, by replacing them, as we did Obama y”sh, with those that have a set of moral values, ideas for how to fix, not destroy.

  2. These liberals are enemies of america. They should promptly be voted out of office. Mr Deblasiio half the meter maid force is probably illegal immigrants that should have been deported long ago. And does anyone know what this yenta Gillibrand does other than knocking president Trump

  3. Idiots. Why don’t they give up their private guards and security before lecturing us on disbanding agencies that keep us safe? Better yet, Why don’t they move to Venezuela, a country with all the socialist policies they love and no ICE either?

  4. How about getting rid of the anti semitic backstabber, Kristen Gillibrand’s salary?! Why does she need to get paid?

  5. After reading the comments above I see that the world is beginning to realize what phonies the DemocRATs are. B”H Yidden are waking up!

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