Liberal Who Upset NY Democrat Accused Israel of ‘Massacre’ in Gaza; Rejects Support From Anti-Semite

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old political novice running on a low budget and an unabashedly liberal platform, upset longtime U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley on Tuesday in the Democratic congressional primary in New York. Crowley, 56, was viewed as a possible successor to Rep. Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House of Representatives should Democrats succeed in winning it in November.

However, Jewish and pro-Israel observers were quick to point out a controversial tweet Ocasio-Cortez had posted just weeks before, in which she called Israel’s killing of violent Palestinian protesters on the Gaza border a “massacre.”

On May 14, the day more than 60 Palestinian protesters were killed on the border with Gaza, she wrote: “This is a massacre. I hope my peers have the moral courage to call it such. No state or entity is absolved of mass shootings of protesters. There is no justification. Palestinian people deserve basic human dignity, as anyone else. Democrats can’t be silent about this anymore.”

She later said in an interview that her Puerto Rican roots helped her relate to the Palestinian protesters.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez’s mentor and former employer, was also highly critical of Israel’s actions on the Gaza border.

Further concerning Jewish observers, was the prominent appearance of rabid anti-Semite Thomas Lopez-Pierre at Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign headquarters. He is seen standing right behind Ocasio-Cortez, wearing a purple shirt, as she gives her victory speech to the media.

Last year, as a candidate running against NYC Councilman Mark Levine, Lopez-Pierre made defeating “greedy Jewish landlords” his primary campaign issue, as can be seen in a campaign video he released.

Councilman Levine reached out to Ocasio-Cortez on twitter, and she was quick to disassociate and denounce Lopez-Pierre.

It does appear Lopez-Pierre is actually a supporter of Ocasio-Cortez and not just a seeking attention, as he was spotted previously sported a campaign t-shirt and distributing flyers.

(Nat Golden – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. Brim: why would this be the reason to move? There are plenty lefty idiot politicians to make a citizens life miserable. There are other reasons to move but this is not one of them.

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