Arrest Made In Vandalism Of Kever Of Rav Levi Yitzchok Berdichev ZATZAL

kedushas levi.jpgPolice have arrested the leader of a new anti-Semitic group responsible for vandalizing the Ohel of the Kever of Rav Levi Yitzchok Berdichev ZATZAL, according to Rabbi Moshe Thaler, the local Chabad Shliach.

Rabbi Thaler reportedly discovered the damage to the building March 2. He found windows smashed and part of a wall missing. When Rabbi Thaler returned the following day, the wall had been broken down completely and someone had scratched a swastika into the building’s door. Police, along with the local mayor, visited the site March 4 and opened an investigation (reported HERE on YWN).

But again on Wednesday, Rabbi Thaler discovered that vandals had returned to the cemetery, spray-painting neo-Nazi graffiti and swastikas on the Kever, other Kevarim and a Holocaust memorial at the cemetery’s entrance. They apparently also broke the remaining windows of the Ohel.

According to Rabbi Thaler, police made the arrest that night, catching the 21-year-old leader of the vandals returning to the scene of the crimes.

Also last week, vandals struck the Kever of the Noam Elimelech ZATZAL in Lizhensk. The Kever was covered with swastikas, anti-Semitic slogans and a Star of David in a noose (reported HERE on YWN).

(Source: Chabad)

One Response

  1. Hashem Yerachem!

    Isn’t that how it started out before the Holocaust?

    Are we in denial, like almost everyone was back then?

    One thing is for certain. We need to look inside of ourselves and do something for Hashem, so he should have nachas from us.

    Not that he should have to send shrekedig reminders chas veshalom, of who we are. And what our purpose here is…!!

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