Dr. Stephen Colvin A”H Who Performed More 10,000 Surgeries Suddenly Niftar

colvin.jpgA prominent cardiac surgeon, Dr. Stephen Colvin A”H – senior cardiothoracic surgeon of NYU – was suddenly Niftar this past Shabbos at the age of 64.  Dr. Colvin had still operated on a patient on Thursday – less than 48 hours before his Petira.

Dr. Colvin had been diagnosed with the terrible Machlah just one week before, and had many appointments scheduled in the next few weeks, among them many Yidden awaiting a Yeshuah.

He saved the lives of many Yidden with his innovative surgical procedures and will be sorely missed by Klal Yisroel. His warmth and compassion was contagious, and he imbued a sense of optimism in all the patients he operated on. His office is currently contacting the patients that had appointments lined up to let them know this very sad news. 

Dr. Colvin was recommended by all the prominent cardiologists in the Jewish community, as well as all Askonim in medical issues.

As the founding chairman and a senior surgeon in the department of cardiothoracic surgery at NYU Medical Center, Dr Colvin performed nearly 10,000 surgeries in his 30 years at NYU.

He was particularly adept at operating on children born with heart defects, and in 2001 he co-founded Project Kids Worldwide, a group dedicated to improving medical treatment for poor children.

May he be a Meilitz Yosher for all, and may all sickness be wiped out from our midst.

Yehi Zichro Boruch.

5 Responses

  1. Wow! What a loss to Klal Yisroel. Vezarach Hashemesh uva Hashemesh…. May we soon be zoiche to recognize who Hashem has sent us in his place.

  2. When I was 12 years old, I was operated on by the legendary Dr Fred Epstein A’H.. he removed spinal / neck tumors that my current neurosurgeon (who’s one of the best) wouldent touch.. he sent me to fred who was his teacher.. needless to say that many Dr’s to this day marvel at the job he did.

    And then he got run over by a car while biking..(2 years after my surgery) I always feel guilty for those that were waiting for surgery from him.

  3. what a shock…
    i have a family member who Dr. Colvin was the shliach from hashem to save his life, to be a shliach from hashem and work with Maloch Rafoel is some zechus! its all abaut “kol hamkayem nefesh achas myisroel, keilu yoldoy”
    Dr. Colvin left behind alot Patients who are Yidden & they should do something as a zechus for his Neshomah, learn a mishnah and light a candle. Buruch Dayen Huemes…

  4. Speaking of Dr Fred Epstein, Listen to this.
    (In the end he died of Milenoma in July 2006)
    (in 2001)
    Dr. Fred Epstein, a neurosurgeon specializing in children’s brain and spinal tumors, was riding his bike near his home in Greenwich, Conn., when he hit a depression in the roadway and pitched over the handlebars. He landed on his head with enough force to split his bike helmet.

    At that moment, the doctor became the patient. The impact sent delicate brain tissue crashing against the back of his skull and tore a blood vessel. The bleeding inside his skull caused damaging pressure on his brain and he fell into a coma.

    His wife, Kathy, and five children were told the day of the accident in September 2001 that he probably wouldn’t survive and if he did he might be in a permanent vegetative state. But Epstein has come a long way back from his injury, and on Saturday night he will be honored by the Florida Brain Tumor Association during its seventh biennial conference in Fort Lauderdale

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