German Agency Site Addresses 9/11, Other Conspiracy Theories

A German government agency tasked with providing unbiased political information has launched a website suggesting that the U.S. government staged the 9/11 attacks and that aircraft contrails are poisonous — to show how illogical conspiracy theories are.

The Federal Agency for Civic Education said Monday that the mock videos on the website are aimed at people who don’t pay much attention to traditional media.

The site — called “Wahre Welle TV,” or True Wave TV — is designed to encourage consumers of online information to critically question what they see or read online.

To make clear the videos are not meant to be taken literally, each episode ends with the words “don’t believe the crap” and links to additional resources.

The anti-bias agency also publishes materials for civics lessons.


2 Responses

  1. They seem to be trying to out-Trump Trump. At least they seem to know the conspiracy theories are not to be taken seriously,

  2. It is a disturbing and ironic commentary on 21st Century civilization that Germany may be taking the lead in promoting truth in news. Back in the 20th Century, Germany was a leader in fake news/big lies. That job now has been taken by Fox News.

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