Trump Trash Talks ‘Filthy’ Restaurant That Kicked Out Sarah Sanders

President Donald Trump on Monday trash-talked a Virginia restaurant that asked his press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, to leave because she worked for his administration.

Trump, in a Monday morning tweet, said that The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia “should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders.”

“I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!” added Trump, an admitted germophobe, who has said he prefers eating at fast food chains rather than independent eateries because he trusts them more.

Images of the restaurant, a three-hour-drive from Washington, online appear to show no evidence of serious disrepair, with clean-looking green awnings and white paint on the doors and trim.

Sanders tweeted over the weekend that she was asked to leave the restaurant by its owner Friday evening because she worked for Trump. Sanders said she “politely left” and that the owner’s “actions say far more about her than about me.”

The restaurant’s co-owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday, but she told The Washington Post that her reasons for booting Sanders included the concerns of employees who were gay and knew Sanders had defended Trump’s desire to bar transgender people from serving in the military.

Several other Trump administration officials, including Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, have been confronted in public in recent days amid intense fury over an administration policy that led to a spike in the number of migrant children being separated from their parents after crossing the border illegally.

Nielsen cut short a working dinner at a Mexican restaurant last week after protesters shouted, “Shame!” until she left. Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller was accosted by someone at a different Mexican restaurant, who called him “a fascist,” according to the New York Post.

The displays of hostility have set off a fierce debate about whether politics should play a role in how administration officials are treated in public, with Sanders’s father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, denouncing his daughter’s treatment as “bigotry.”


10 Responses

  1. what ever happened to spitting in the food? Back in my day we just spit in the food of a customer we didnt like. and we still got paid by the customer!

  2. What ever happened to high treason.
    Back in the day they would have been hung for high treason
    But seriously the Americans should show a little respect for their elected leader

  3. As many regular CR readers know, I’m not a big fan of the Trumpkopf or his chevrah but these type of petty actions do little to restore civility in our society. Even worse are the implicit threats that nitwits such as Maxine Waters etc. rant about taking action against Trump supporters. While clearly a very small minority, these become the “face of the resistance” and only make the Trumpkopfs feel they have the moral high ground (rather than wallowing in the swamp). At the Washington Post editorial stated this AM in big bold type, “Let them eat in peace”.

    P.S. The Trumpkopf failed to note the most glaring deficiency of the Red Hen restaurant…..they don’t have a good chasideshe hashgacha.

  4. As usual, the degenerate adulterer in chief speaks without knowledge, the latest inspection of this restaurant has no violations. On the other hand, some trump restaurants, including Mar a lago, have a number of violations.

  5. Gadolhadorah, crazykanoiy and rt we all know on this forum that you suffer from Trump-Derangement syndrome. It is very serious condition, I can recommend you a good specialist.

  6. rt
    continued… i tell you what the torah commands. it commands to talk with respect to a leader of a nation. WHERE? G-D commanded moishe rabeine to speak with respect to pharoh …see rashi shemos , from talmud.
    now here we have pharoh , the first hit….slaughtered jewish children, jewish salve camps, still G-D commanded to have respect for the kings office, how much more ta leader who is oihav yisroel , g-d fearing pres etc etc…no, the torah doesnt grant freedom of speech with a blank check!!

  7. moishe in gaulus
    liberal mental derangement is an incurable desease
    see ohr hchaim hakodosh parshes korach( ?) loose translation ‘ the hate evil has for good or kedush is fundemental hate that cant be eradicated’

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