CNN POLL: Near Nixon-1974 Level of Americans Want To See Trump Impeached

There is a truly remarkable number in the most recent CNN poll, conducted by SSRS and out this morning.

In it, 42% of Americans say President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office.

What makes it remarkable is that he’s on par with President Richard Nixon, who 43% of Americans said should be impeached and removed from office in a March 1974 Harris poll. That was after the scale of Watergate came to light, but months before the House started to move against Nixon, who would go on to resign in August 1974 rather than be impeached.

Impeachment requires “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” according to the Constitution, which also lists it as the the only thing for which a President can’t issue a pardon.

Trump has bragged that he certainly has the power to pardon himself but won’t need to use it. Nixon got a pardon from Gerald Ford, the man to whom he gave the keys to the White House.


13 Responses

  1. I’m disappointed that Yeshiva World would publish what has become a destructive partisanship perspective, as though it was newsworthy. These polls are designed to deliver pre-determined outcomes in support of powerful political losers and their devotees seeking revenge.

  2. Problems with this article:

    1. It is from a highly politicized left wing news source. Asking CNN about Trump would be like asking “Die Sturmer” what it thinks about Jews. Any polling with which CNN is invovled should be discounted since the pollster is clearly going to be biases, and those responding to a poll tend to reflect the bias of the pollster.

    2. “Political incorrectness” has never been an impeachable offense. If it were, we would have switched a system of “no-confidence” similar to parliamentary systems of government.

    3. Nixon set the standard for impeachment. There needs to be physical evidence (e.g. a recording) saying more or less, “How is the conspiracy to obstruct justice” going. Clinton also set a standard, when he was aquitted for sexual crimes that while improprer and disgusting, were not “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

  3. What an absurd result of poll! These are simply “haters” of the the president!!! He is much better for the country as he stands up for America’s rights —-not like previous leaders who caved-in and attempted to appease America’s greatest enemies!!! Keep up the great leadership , President Trump!!!

  4. What these stupid Liberals refuse to acknowledge, is that if their fantasy comes true and President Trump is “thrown out”, Mike Pence WILL be the next President of the United States! He is the last person they want. A moral God fearing man. He will do all he can to reverse the horrible laws pertaining to the radical militant homosexual community. He will fight to ban abortions. Trump is a Manhattan liberal. Pence is a true Bible belt Conservative. Be careful what you ask for.

  5. So take this for what it’s worth.
    IT’S A CNN POLL!!!!

    Of course the fools that watch CNN want this. They can’t fathom that the USA has turned around, with more to go hopefully, in such a short time. CNN, the communist news network, wouldn’t have it any other way!


  6. CFN – Clinton Fake News. The Clinton Crime Family will do everything – publicly and behind the scene – to create demoralization and to stand in the way of those who really care for the country and stand steadfastly to protect and make this country great again. The CNN – Clinton News Network is being well paid by the Clintons, George Souros and alike to carry out this fake dirty propaganda.

  7. shame on YWN. Other polls say the President has a majority favorable approval rating. Why doesn’t YWN print the positive news? Stay out of politics. Print what is fit to print.

  8. @ahavas_yisroel YWN posts things that would get clicks. They dont care if its upsetting and irrelevent to the frum community

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