New York Lawmakers Approve Bill To Correct Spelling Of Verrazano Bridge

The New York state Assembly has approved a bill that would correct the spelling of a bridge’s name that has been wrong for over 50 years.

New York City’s Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is spelled with one “Z.” It should have two “Z’s” for Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, who discovered New York Harbor in 1524.

The Assembly on Tuesday passed the bill, which also passed the state Senate earlier this month. Lawmakers inserted a provision which states road signs with the misspelled “Verrazano” name will be replaced only when they wear out.

The bridge’s name has been misspelled for decades due to an error in the original construction contract.

The bill now heads to Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s desk for review.


3 Responses

  1. Then change BROOKLYN too.
    ‘The name Brooklyn is derived from the original Dutch colonial name BREUCKELEN, marshland in Dutch. Established 1646, appeared in print in 1663…. named it after the scenic town of BREUCKELEN, near Utrecht.’ Yes we are a scenic town and yeh so lets go back to original spelling.

  2. You need a bill to be passed for this? Is this how they spend their time in Albany? And we are paying them for this? One would think everything else is just perfect in NYS.

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