WATCH: Lewandowski Has No Sympathy For A Disabled Child Victimized By Trump’s Border Policy

A former campaign manager for Donald Trump is doubling down on his dismissive comment regarding a girl with Down syndrome.

Corey Lewandowski tweeted on Wednesday that he “mocked a liberal who attempted to politicize children” after he appeared Tuesday on Fox News Channel to discuss President Trump’s hard-line immigration policy. Trump’s policy has led to the practice of taking migrant children from parents charged with entering the country illegally. When another Fox panelist mentioned a story about the 10-year-old disabled girl being one of the children, Lewandowski responded with “Wah-wah.”

Lewandowski says in his Wednesday tweet that “the MSM doesn’t want to talk about these policies were started under Obama.” The zero-tolerance policy that has resulted in separating children began in early May under President Donald Trump.


7 Responses

  1. Fake News, YWN, “Trump’s policy” is a law passed by US Congress and singed by GW Bush and enforced by Obama regime as well.

  2. Exactly
    Let a parent of a down syndrome children break the law in a terrible way and broadcast the child crying on TV. That’s life for living illegally.

  3. Rav Rubashkin also has a disabled child, I don’t remember seeing any crocodile tears from the libtards when he was sentenced to 27 years!!!! Ywn stop copy pasting garbage from AP!

  4. The issue on this article is not whether or not you agree with Trump’s policy. Lewandowski did something really really dumb. If you are trying to make a PR statement you should have more tact. There are right ways and wrong ways to get your point across. Lewandowski blew it and he should admit it.

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