Petira Of Ziditchov Rebbe Of Boro Park

candle63.gifChesed Shel Emmes has informed YWN of the Petira of the Ziditchov Rebbe ZATZAL (Rav Asher Shaya Eichenstein). The Levaya will be taking place at 9:00PM at the Ziditchov Bais Medrash 5410 14th Avenue, in Boro Park The Kevura will take place in Kiryas Yoel later tonight. Boruch Dayan Emmes….

5 Responses

  1. In Ziditchov Brent ah FIRE tsevectsakamol nisht faleshen !! BDE may the Rebbe be a melitz yosher for all the rebbes who come from Ziditchov SPINKA

  2. My Rebbe, my friend –we all mourn his loss, each according to our experiences with him: his esteemed Rebbitzin, and his loving family, as well as his faithful congregation. May the Ziditchoiver Rebbe, Usher Shaya Eichenstein be a Melitz Yosher for us all.

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