FOUND: Missing Lakewood Cheder Children Found In Wooded Area Behind Home

A frantic search in Lakewood had a happy ending, when the two missing children were found.

The two brothers, age 7 and 8, learn in Lakewood Cheder, in the first and second grades. They never arrived at Yeshiva on Monday morning, after leaving their home to take the bus.

A massive search was launched, led by the Lakewood Police with K-9 dogs, along with Lakewood Chaveirim and Lakewood Hatzolah.

Photos of the children were published by YWN and went viral on social media, in the hopes that someone would find them.

Bichasdei Hashem, the children were found by police in the wooded area behind their home. They are in good condition.

The weather is dangerously hot outside right now, with 90 degrees reported in Lakewood.


(Yossi Taub – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. What kind of parents fail to walk their children to the bus??? Haven’t we learned from the Leiby story Rachmona litzlan?

  2. Putting safety aside for a moment, and even realizing that work schedules and family obligations do not always allow for escorting our children to and from their bus stops, let’s put everything into perspective and in its proper level of priority. CHaZa”L teach us that women receive reward for limud ha’Torah by sending their husbands and children off to learn and awaiting their arrival from their holiest of holiest of tasks. Too often I have seen this responsibility, this privilege, this obligation, this priceless opportunity relegated to older siblings, to the neighbors, or worse to the non-Jewish help.

  3. They just missed the bus. Wanted to catch it at the next stop. Took a shortcut through the woods and got lost.

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