BREAKING: UPDATED 4:58PM EST: Governor Spitzer Expected To Resign! Involved In Immoral Business

spitzer.jpg2:00PM EST: [UPDATES POSTED BELOW] NY TIMES REPORTS: New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer has just informed his most senior administration officials that he had been involved in an “immoral, indecent business-ring”, an administration official said this morning. He is set to make an announcement at about 2:15 this afternoon.

Mr. Spitzer, who was huddled with his top aides early this afternoon, had hours earlier abruptly canceled his scheduled public events for the day.

UPDATE 3:19PM EST: FoxNews reports that New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been indicted and is expected to resign from office following news reports that he was linked to an “immoral, indecent business-ring”.

Spitzer made a short statement a few moments ago: “I am disappointed that I failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family. I will not be taking questions. Thank you very much,” Spitzer said.

paterson.jpgUPDATE 3:30PM EST: Although it is unconfirmed, many media outlets report that David A. Paterson will be the new governor. If that is the case, here is his biography:

David A. Paterson was elected New York’s lieutenant governor on November 7, 2006.

Elected to represent Harlem in the New York State Senate in 1985, David Paterson has demanded and achieved change at every level, not simply by what he stands for but by who he is.

In 2002, David Paterson was elected minority leader of the New York State Senate, the first non-white legislative leader in New York’s history. In 2004 in Boston, he became the first visually impaired person to address a Democratic National Convention. And 2006 saw Mr. Paterson make history again by being elected New York’s first African-American lieutenant governor.

As New York State Senate minority leader, David Paterson led the charge on several crucial issues for New York’s future, proposing legislation for a $1 billion voter-approved stem cell research initiative, demanding a statewide alternative energy strategy, insisting on strong action to fight against domestic violence, and serving as the primary champion for minority- and women-owned businesses in New York. As a result, Governor Spitzer asked Mr. Paterson to continue to lead New York State on these issues as lieutenant governor.

Lt. Governor Paterson, who is legally blind, is also nationally recognized as a leading advocate for the visually and physically impaired. A graduate of Columbia University and Hofstra Law School, Mr. Paterson also currently serves as an adjunct professor at Columbia’s School for International and Public Affairs. David Paterson lives in Harlem with his wife, Michelle, and their two children, Ashley and Alex, and he is the son of Basil Paterson, the first non-white secretary of state of New York and the first African-American vice-chair of the national Democratic Party.

UPDATE 4:50PM EST:: Although Spitzer has not yet resigned, Gov. Eliot Spitzer was not expected to continue as governor and may resign by Monday evening, sources told CBS 2.

Reliable sources told CBS 2 that Lt. Gov. David Paterson could be sworn in as governor as early as 7:00PM EST Monday. The news sets off one of the largest scandals in modern New York state political history.

UPDATE 4:58PM EST: Exact text of Spitzer’s speech at 3:10PM EST:

“Good afternoon.

“For the past nine years, eight years as attorney general, and one as governor, I have tried to uphold a vision of progressive politics that would rebuild New York and create opportunity for all. We sought to bring real change to New York and that will continue.

“Today I want to briefly address a private matter. I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and violates my, or any, sense of right and wrong. I apologize first and most importantly to my family. I apologize to the public, whom I promised better.

“I do not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals. It is about ideas, the public good, and doing what is best for the state of New York. But I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.

“I will not be taking questions. Thank you very much. I will report back to you in short order. Thank you very much.”

(Source: NY Times)

47 Responses

  1. Isn’t it a sad world? The elected officials are just as immoral as the typical person. Isn’t there any honor & self-respect that they feel should go along with their jobs?

  2. this is the guy who came to New Square and told the Rebbie who he must vote for in the Rockland County elections for Att. Gen.
    Pollitics is very messy.

  3. He won’t step down, he’s a lib Democrat, this kind of news is a resume and carrer advancement. Only Rebublicans can be shamed out of office.
    Worse case senerio for Spitzer is he’ll right his auto-biography about his tortured soul, and get booked on Oprah.



  5. Mr. Moerman, It’s not good. But likes to use ‘lashon nekia’ whenever possible.

    And, as Rush Limbaugh just said, for a Democrat, these things can (occasionally) be a resume enhancement. I don’t think he’s going anywhere. If there’s any connection to Giuliani, I would say that just as the Mayor lost Gracie Mansion to his wife when he didn’t behave, Governer Spitzer is risking similar treatment.

    I hope that I have been successful in keeping to lashon nekia as well.

  6. Which of our politicians isn’t involved in “immoral” behavior? What did he do? Steal? Shoplift? Illegal activities? Indecent marital actions? Please explain why this is shocking or breaking news.

  7. the shandeh is he is a yid who held himself up as this super-righteous fellow and now he is shown to be a lowlife like every other oichel neveilos

  8. The issue seems to be that the Governor’s actions involved the illegal transport of people for illegal purposes, which is the only part of the Mann Act still taken seriously. This could be a big deal.

  9. #13: #12 hit the nail on the head – immoral behavior that was the subject of a Federal investigation, and of such type that despite my efforts to describe it in a family-friendly manner, I cannot.

  10. Why is everyone posting on this treifa story? This should have the least comments on it. We must train ourselves to ignore these stories. I don’t even know why it was posted on a heiligah Yeshiva news website!

  11. how will the Yated / Hamodia report on this headline?
    (If you get your news from these sources – you sometimes may think Bill Clinton is running for ’08)

  12. he was a good govener who did a lot of good lets not get involved with everbodys personal life because every is hiding something from someone

  13. he did not resign. he will end up looking like a fool and this will keep everyone distracted from real issues and concerns for a little while.

  14. The goyim will look at this (I hope not)that the “JEWS are corrupt”.
    This is the guy who was going to ‘clean house’
    Oh,how the mighty fall
    He may very well have been made the ‘fall guy’ while the ones under him did the evil deeds. However,if he’s the BOSS, he becomes responsible.

  15. If any good can come out of this immoral act it is that if his wife decides to get divorced from him he will no longer ba married to a goya.

  16. Yuck!!! This is all that the news has to talk about. Over an over while I tried to hear traffic and weather reports- breaking news of this sickening maaisah again and again. Yuck yuck yuck….!!!!! YW…. please dont update us any more on the details!!!! Why this is nobodies business…. so lt the politicians throw him out but this is Yeshiva news and this doesnt belong here!! Stay far from the govt….. Chazal knew what they were talking about. It CORRUPTS ppl!!!! I bet almost everysingle guy in the govt is guilty of corruption in one way or another. We really need mashiach before we sink to the lowest level of tumah unsaveable!!!!!!!!!

  17. i would love to know where all the “morally superior democrats” who are always indignant when republicans(or their pages) get caught and complain of “cronyism”. why are they seemingly silent and unconcerned with 1 of their boys corruption?

  18. I dont see why this needs to be on Yeshva World. I understand its news but……….!!!!! You dont need to report everything. And he’s Jewish.. Why do we need our kids reading this?? Or even our husbands..

  19. Good, he got what was coming to him. The way he trumped up charges on frum yidden and threw them in jail for much longer than they deserved, just to promote his “I’ll go after the white collar criminals” tough guy persona, for his political gain, I don’t feel sorry for him at all. I’ll enjoy the sound his “thud” makes when he’s done with his major fall from grace.

  20. #33 and others….

    Please note that Mr Elliot Spitzer, was born a Jew, but he is married to non-jewish woman and has three non-jewish daughters.
    His wife the former Mrs Slika Wall from North Carolina is the daughter of Robert and Trilby Wall, both not Jewish.

  21. I know it sounds silly but I see huge KIDDUSH HASH-M in this all as strange as it sounds (especially with him being a “prominent Jewish activist”). It is a pleasure to see that despite the fact that decency and morality is uncommon and only religion is taboo there still is a venue that can bring a story so repulsive with tznius. Kudos to you Yeshivah World kishmo kain hu!! I am disgusted and appaled by other “ehrlicher outlets” not using such tznius and class. Let us never forget that even if you are not a “frummie” you can still have some basic sensitivity and left some immorality left unsaid.


  23. Elliot spitzer happens to be a nasty ba’al gayva. The gemarah tells us that ba’alei gayva end up doing what he did. His misfortune is also his fortune. Humiliation comes from the word humility. He needs it.

  24. Bottom line… Kesef Ya’aneh Ess Hakol. I believe this is why he did it. And noone can say that they wouldn’t do something illegal/immoral if it can bring in a few thousand dollars an hour. I am in no way validating this I think it is pure To’evah but still…

  25. היה ר”מ אומר אדם עבר עבירה בסתר הקב”ה מכריז עליו בגלוי שנאמר ועבר עליו רוח קנאה ואין העברה אלא לשון הכרזה וכו’ ר”ל אמר אין אדם עובר עבירה אלא אם כן נכנס בו רוח שטות

  26. Why is everyone posting on this treifa story? This should have the least comments on it. We must train ourselves to ignore these stories. I don’t even know why it was posted on a heiligah Yeshiva news website!

    Comment by ImustShteig — March 10, 2008 @ 2:32 pm

    Why did you open this story in the first place? Why would you then comment? No one supports such actions, but people do have opinions on the matter. If you dont like the content, then dont click on this story. And you once you click on it, and you feel its inappropiate, switch stories. Then you comment on it?! Actions like these are vile at best, much like murders, but its still news when it happens to your(im from the midwest as im sure you can tell) govenor its news.

  27. If you are a Republican supporter, you should hope that he doesn’t resign. He’ll be easy in the next election. Paterson would continue the same policies and be an incumbent next time.

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