NY Assembly OKs Universal Health Care; Bill Halted In Senate

The New York state Assembly has again endorsed a single-payer universal health care system.

The Democrat-led chamber passed the measure last week for the fourth year in a row.

Passage of the legislation is largely symbolic, however. The Republican-led Senate is not expected to take up the measure before lawmakers adjourn for the year next year.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie says Democrats in his chamber believe all Americans deserve a health care system that guarantees coverage for all.

The proposal would allow all New Yorkers to enroll for health coverage that comes with no network restrictions, deductibles or co-pays. The system would use state and local funds that now go to Medicaid and other health care programs.


4 Responses

  1. Do you understand how politics work??

    All the DemocRATs in the State Assembly (the Majority) voted for it because they new that it wasn’t going to pass in the Senate. This way they can go back to their liberal, left-wing looney constituents and show them that they voted for their pet project. In turn they are further supported by the left-wingers and they get reelected.

    This went on in California for years until the DemocRATs had a super-majority which meant that whatever the Dems approved in one house was approved in the other house and then went to the left-wing looney DemocRat Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown for signature. After supporting single payer universal healthcare for years and supporting it. The Dems finally had a shot at really passing it. They were panicked that it may really pass so they killed it before it could come up for a vote. What a bunch of phonies they are.

  2. rt,
    Allow me to correct your statement.

    DemocRATs for Government control of healthcare and taxing all citizens, Republicans against government meddling in healthcare and reducing taxes on all citizens.

    You may wonder why? DemocRATs feel they can spend your money wiser than you can. Republicans feel that the citizens of our country can spend their money wiser.

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