Artist Eying Record For World’s Largest Paper Airplane

Residents of a Massachusetts city are hoping to set a world record for the largest paper airplane.

The Revolving Museum of Fitchburg revealed a 64-foot-long (19.5-meter-long) plane at the Fitchburg Municipal Airport on Tuesday. There was no plan to fly the nearly 1-ton (0.9-metric ton) contraption.

Fitchburg artist Jerry Beck tells the Sentinel & Enterprise he wanted to break the world record for the largest paper airplane to take flight but the hangar it was built in was too small to accommodate a wide enough wing span to support the glue-shallacked plane.

A construction crane held the plane aloft.

Two people measured the plane at 64 feet and 6 inches long, which Beck says makes it is the largest of its kind. He’s asking Guinness World Records to add a new category.


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