MIRACLE ON THE GOETHALS: Boro Park Yeshiva Bus Overturns On Goethals Bridge In NJ – Minor Injuries Reported [VIDEO]


A school bus overturned on the entrance ramp to the Goethals Bridge on Thursday afternoon at around 4:00PM. The bus was carrying children from the Mevakshei Hashem Yeshiva in Boro Park.

The crash happened on the New Jersey side of bridge, on the ramp from the NJ Turnpike heading onto the bridge.

Union County Hatzolah and Staten Island Hatzolah responded with multiple ambulances.

The bus was carrying approximately 40 children, all of whom were able to climb out of the bus.

Hatzolah confirmed to YWN that there were just a few minor injuries. Four children and one adult were taken to the hospital.

Video footage from the scene (attached below) shows the children being led to another bus behind it. A third bus is seen in front of them, and is pulled over to the side. It appears that this was a convoy of three buses travelling together on a school trip.

8 Responses

  1. NOT on the Goethals. The accident happened on the ramp coming off the Jersey Turnpike at Exit 13, as it comes over into the toll plaza. It did not affect the Goethals. It was nowhere near the Goethals and didn’t affect traffic on the SI bound Gothals. The only problem was with Northbound traffic exiting off of NJTP at exit 13… they could not use the ramp. Let’s not overdo it.

  2. Reply to a mamin.

    As a parent of a children in Mevakshai Hashem and as a parent of a child who was involved in this accident. I cannot stress enough what a maamin the Menahel and hanhala are. If anyone needs to do some introspection it’s non other than YOU-a manin.

  3. whats a difference if its boro park or Honolulu it looks like people “love” to argue to a point that it dosent have to make sense and onther point who said that someone is at fault people “always know” why it happened cmon grow up -get a life

  4. JerseyJew….thanks for your crack investigative skills and incisive analysis of YWN’s reporting. You may now return to your regularly scheduled nitpicking elsewhere. 🙄

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