What is Ben Salem?

bensal.gifWhether it’s Spring, Summer, Winter, or Fall, there’s always action at the Bensalem Outreach Center. Community Rosh Hashana meals, Yom Kipper with standing room only, gala Chanuka celebrations, women’s programs and conferences, leibadik Purim parties, classes, lunch ’n learns, one on one learning, home studies, and much more.

Our many ongoing shiurim and outreach programs have attracted significant numbers of Jews of all affiliations. The number of people studying with us has been steadily growing. The outreach potential is boundless.

On the outskirts of Philadelphia, Bucks County is home to more than 50,000 assimilated Jews. Over the past several years, the Bensalem Outreach Center has created a growing oasis in the virtual dessert, building and maintaining a shul, a mikvah, a Kollel. a Sunday school and an Outreach Center.

Today, Sunday March 9th, the Outreach Center will be holding the next of it’s outreach events. A gala pre-Purim party with festive music and dancing, a Purim shpeil, and words of chizuk to the community from Harav Chaim Mintz shlita will be held. In conjunction to this event, the Outreach Center will hold it’s first annual Chinese Auction. This auction will help support the outreach activities going on throughout the year.

Bensalem is less than an hour away from Lakewood and 90 minutes from Brooklyn. Everyone who can is invited to join us this Sunday, March 9 at the Jewish War Veteran’s Building at 1425  Woodbourne Rd., Levittown, PA, at this most enjoyable, catered affair. Come with your children and experience a day with the Bensalem Community. For more information, click HERE, or please call Mrs. Faigy Follman at 215-752-5032 or Rabbi Moshe Travitsky at 267-228-8774. Looking forward to greeting you there!

4 Responses

  1. This is a great organization that has done tremendous work. The Travitsky’s are unbelievably dedicated and are moser lev v nefesh for their kehilla. Buy an auction ticket – Win the prize of supporting such a wonderful successful organization. Although Rebbetzin Malky is not an official (or paid) member of the staff you cannot imagine how much she dedicates to the cause. Yassher Koach to them all!!

  2. Is there anything similar to that in Brooklyn? Many people in the NY Metro area could benefit from this type of outreach work.

  3. I live in Bucks County although not in Bensalem. I can’t possibly put into words the dedication and commitment Rav and Rebbtzin Travitsky have for Klal Yisroel. I envy their schar!

  4. I have lived in Israel B”H almost 32 years, but I grew up in the Philly area. When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s Bucks County, as far as I can remember, was mostly goyish, with a smattering of assimilated Jews. To think that there is a Kollel there now is truly miraculous.

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