Large Number Of Poor Children Receive Free Food At Agudath Israel Camps

Amongst the hundreds of campers who will participate in this year’s camping program of Agudath Israel of America, a large number of children will receive free food as a result of the Federal Summer Food Service Program. The camp has been a traditional haven for children from lower income families, because the organization has offered partial or full scholarships for youngsters from disadvantaged homes from all parts of the U.S. As a participant, free meals are made available to all children meeting the approved Income Eligibility Standards (see below). Children who are members of food stamp household, or receive benefits under the Food Distribution Program (FDPIR), SNAP or Temporary Assistance to Needy Family (TANF) are automatically eligible to receive free meal benefits.

This special program is available in the two Agudath Israel camps in Sullivan County: Camp Agudah, 140 Upper Ferndale Road, Ferndale, NY, for boys, and Camp Bnos, 344 Ferndale Loomis Road, Liberty, NY, for girls. The program runs at both camps from June 27, 2018 until August 20, 2018. The sites serve breakfast, lunch and supper daily. Meal times at Camp Agudah are: 9:30 AM, 2:25 PM, 7:00 PM respectively, and at Camp Bnos, 9:30 AM, 1:30 PM, 6:40 PM respectively.

A spokesman for the Agudath Israel camps stressed that the special programs for poor youth, “were designed to assist youngsters from disadvantaged homes without regard to race, color, sex, disabilities, age, or national origin”. He stressed that this policy was an extension of the recognized policy of the organization in regard to all of its services. The camps have won the admiration of national educators for their high level of educational and recreational programming.

For additional information regarding the Summer Feeding Program and eligibility guidelines, please call: Harriet at 212-797-8172.

The following Income eligibility standards will be used to determine eligibility for free meals:

Household Income Eligibility Guidelines 

Size Yearly Monthly Weekly
1 22,311 1,860 411
2 30,044 2,504 578
3 37,777 3,149 727
4 45,510 3,793 876
6 60,976 5,082 1,173
7 68,709 5,726 1,322
8 76,442 6,371 1,471


For each additional family member, add

Size Yearly Monthly Weekly
7,733 645 149


Any person who believes they have been discriminated against in any USDA-related activity should write or call immediately to: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights Room 326-W. Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410. (202)720-5964 (voice or TDD).

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. How do the poor children get those meals? Do they have to be staying at the camps – in that case how can they afford to go to camp. Or do they come from nearby bungalows – which are quite expensive. Or do they live there all year round?

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