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Anti-Semitic Gang-Beating Sparks Outrage In France

hate crimw.jpgFrench officials have voiced shock and outrage on Wednesday, after it was publicized that an  anti-Semitic gang had locked up and attacked a Jewish youth in the same Paris suburb where 23-year-old Ilan Halimi HYD, was kidnapped for three weeks and tortured to death – two-years ago – as reported HERE on YWN.

According to the EJP, six thugs from Bagneux, south of Paris, are accused of locking up the 19-year-old youth to a radiator in a storage room on February 22, beating and tormenting him, and scrawling ‘dirty Jew’ and other anti-Semitic rhetoric on his face.

Apparently, the six youths aged 17-25 knew the victim, and had falsely accused him of stealing from them – to lure him into the apartment.

The young man, has not been release was later hospitalised “in a state of shock”.

“We are shocked and outraged. We condemn such acts in the strongest terms,” Bagneux city hall said in a statement.

The youths face charges of group violence motivated by a person’s “real or supposed race or religion”, acts of torture, blackmail and theft.

(Source: EJP / IOL)

17 Responses

  1. every frum yid must contact their mayor, senator and congressman to get president bush and the government to call france and get something done. we elect these officials to protect us!!

  2. This is truly troubling. Something must be done, and unlike this doom777 (who has a very accurate screen name, everything he has posted has been more than negative) doing mitzvot and tefilla are some of the best weapons in our arsenal. Let us all use them wisely!!

  3. #3,

    You’re right tough guy! We need to take up arms and fight these animals physically!

    I’m sure you would have really messed up all six of those thugs, you are so tough that could have taken them on all alone!

    If only the poor victim would listen to people like you. He could have beat up all six guys and walked away without a scratch!

  4. haKol Kol Yaakov! Our most effective weapon is our voice – tefilla.

    this does not mean that we do not need to take physical action when necessary and if able, however, our power starts with our voice.

  5. davening is all good but hashem wants us to do hishtadlus…how about starting an org called shomrim in that city.

  6. every jew should train in some form of martial arts and if possible they should learn how to use a gun and if possible obtain and carry it at all times
    the threat is real and one must be ready for whatever might come in the future

  7. #3, hishtadlus doesn’t hurt either, but if your implication is that it’s so wonderful to stand up and fight, look how the State of Israel (and I mean no disrespect to the brave and earnest members of the IDF) has turned out and maybe reconsider.

    In what country on this earth does its citizens have rockets rained down on them and they, the citizens, already consider it to be just a fact of life!!? What other country negotiates just how much of its land and historical heritage to cede to its enemy? What other country can’t even set its own borders? Israel is unique in these and other regards, and no amount of IDF power seems to make a difference.

    Kochi ViOtzem Yadi just doesn’t seem to be the answer.

  8. For starters, we should urge our pseudo sophisticated Yidin that if they wish to fulfil their cultural and intellectual needs (you know the ones that buy BMWs, Audis and Mercedes) that they should not travel to Paris and support the sonei yisroel y’mach she’mam
    You want to see France. go to the EPCOT pavilion in the World Showcase at DisneyWorld in Florida!
    It’s safe, clean and friendly and you are NOT supporting sonei yisroel!!!

  9. Mitzvot and tefilla ARE some of the best weapons in our arsenal, but they are worthless without actual weapons like guns, and nunchucks, and knives. Mitzvot, tfilla, learning, etc only increase the chance that you will win, that Hashem support you, but the initiative for the struggle has to come from you. Even in Yam Suf, we had to go into it nose deep, until it parted.

    As for dover shekalim, I would lose in a fight against six guys, sure. I am no superman, or mike tyson. But I would have at least bloodied one of their noses, and if I had any kind of a weapon I’d use it to the full extent. Even if I’d lose, it would teach them and thugs like them not to mess with Jews.

  10. The voice is of yakov, but the hands are of Esav.
    Make no mistake self defense without tfilla is also worthless. The only right way is to use them both, much like when you are sick you go to the doctor AND pray for a refuah shlema. Same thing here, we fight the neo nazis by force AND pray for our success.

    As for Israel, it is precisely the refusal to take drastic violent action, that leads to the situation that we observe today. Jews have to be courageous to take the first hit against our enemy, to perform the preemptive strike, and look toward the approval of Hashem, not the international community. When we start to show bitachon, we will easily win.

  11. With Purim coming up, the words of the Chofetz Chaim z”l relating to this topic are very relevant.

    Why was the basic strategy of the Jews to fight when it came to Chanuka and as for Purim, they basically fasted and prayed?

    There are 2 types of gezeiros that come to the Bnei Yisroel. One stems from the sitra achara which complains that the Jews are not sacrificing for service of Hashem Yisborach and are only interested in themselves. In this case, the enemy tries to destroy the Jewish religion as did the Yevanim and the proper response is to fight with mesiras nefesh to show our dedication to Hashem. In this case, the enemy will give the Jews the option to avoid trouble by converting or going along with the demand to drop Judaism.

    However, sometimes, chas veshalom, the midas hadin rules that the sonei Yisroel (loshon sagi nohar) need to be punished for their aveiros. In this case, the enemy will not give the Jews any option for avoiding their attack. The requirement at this time is to do teshuva, tefila and fasting. Fighting at this time (except in one on one cases of danger) is like a dog that bites the stick of its master. The enemy is the stick. If the teshuva is to the proper level, the enemy will be defeated.

    This explains the difference in celebration where Chanuka is a ruchnius battle with ruchnius celebration (hallel vehodaa and not seuda) whereas Purim is more a hatzolas haguf with a seuda for commemoration.

    The current situation is like Purim and fighting would be counterproductive. We can see how Hashem has tied the hands of Israel with Bush and Rice calling the shots and the failure Olmert still in charge. The world unfairly screams out against Israel when civilians are indirectly hurt.

    Our only aitza now is to do teshuva and tefila and trust in Hashem. It is clear that we can’t trust Israeli or American leadership for anything.

  12. it is time to wake up! We are getting very close to another HOLOCAUsT!!!!!!! We have to stand up and fight together like brothers .Hashem is seeing what is going on among the jews!
    And he is not happy at all! The jews are getting lost again like in Europe! Of course tefillot helps but Hashem wants action also.
    We are living ina very scary time. Soon(chas ve shalom) a muslim president can be elected! What will be?

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