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Jewish Vote Helps Clinton Win Ohio And Texas

vfd.jpgHillary Clinton won the Ohio and Texas primaries Tuesday with the support of most Jewish voters, polls showed. Jews comprise only 1.3 percent of Ohio’s population but their “proven practice of going to the polls in greater numbers than other demographic groups makes them an important voting block for candidates who are locked in tight races,” according to Zogby polling company director Fritz Wencel.

Sen. Clinton has won the Jewish vote in every primary to date except for Connecticut, Massachusetts and California, where Jews backed Sen. Barack Obama.

18 Responses

  1. In Ohio, many frum people, even Republican, voted as Democrat and voted for Hillary. The reason they did they is because the best choice seems to be McCain.

    It seems that if Obama would go against McCain, Obama might win. If Hillary goes against McCain, she has less of a chance of winning.

    That is why th “Jewish Vote Helps Clinton Win Ohio And Texas!!”

  2. I am not sure it is good for us Jews to take credit for these things because with it comes blame as well.

    Kol tov

  3. She has some very “close” Jewish friends. Obama has some very close Arabist friends. Anyway after the fight is over the Democrat party will lose to McCain anyway.

  4. Silver lining……
    Hillary wins and we can finally regroup and make sure consevatives reclaim the GOP, then after watching 4 years of Hillary-ous leadeship we can regain the all 3 houses.

  5. TO: just a jew

    I told Hilary Clinton that my goal was to make the Jews forget about her kissing Mrs. Arafat. Put your hear to the ground and you’ll hear yidden endorsing her and both VIP and common folk.

    Sounds like 1984 and Animal Farm.

  6. Why are we even goireis the goyish election?? We need to focus on our learning and diregard the goyim!!! SHTIEG OIS!!!!

  7. I think it’s all out of our hands anyway, whomever Hash-m has decided to be president, will be president. The only thing we can do is daven that whomever it is, will be an ally to Israel and the Jewish nation.

  8. #11 “The only thing we can do is daven”
    Are you suggesting we not even vote?
    If we did not vote, then Hashem’s choice might be different – maybe to not protect a people who care so little.
    J in OH

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