New Jersey: Blind Reformed Rabbi Leads in Congressional Primaries

shulman.jpgBergen County Democrats endorsed Dennis Shulman, a legally blind “Rabbi” and psychologist from Demarest, to run against Republican Rep. Scott Garrett, R-Wantage, in the 5th Congressional District.

Shulman is leading in polls for the Democratic primaries, but the Republican incumbent, Scott Garrett, is the overwhelming favorite to keep his seat

If elected, Shulman, a nationally known clinical psychologist who has been blind since adolescence, will become the only “Rabbi” to serve in Congress.

NOTE: Rabbi Shulman’s pulpit is at Chavurah Beth Shalom in Alpine, NJ – a reformed Temple. Dennis Shulman is a frequent and popular lecturer at universities, psychoanalytic training institutes, synagogues and churches.

22 Responses

  1. Instead of placing “Rabbi” in parentheses, why not simply identify the man by name and then say that he is the clerical leader of the temple? And why bold “churches?” Taken together, the designations appear intended to denigrate the man, about whom not much else information is provided.

    YW’s readers are keen enough to discern those who promote Torah-true values. I doubt YW staff is similarly keen enough to discern whether Dr. Shulman’s zechuyos outweigh his aveiros, or otherwise.

    If the purpose of this article is to inform the readership that a blind leader of a reform congregation who is also a clinical psychologist has garnered his party’s support in a bid for a seat in Congress, then that can be shared without the “churches” and “rabbi.” If the intent is otherwise, then please say so, and describe what it is.

    John Markstein

  2. John (Jewish name) Markenstein
    By putting his status in parenthesis and bolding that he appears in churches, YWN shows us the evil things this man stands for, and their contempt for him.

    Let’s hope this heretic doesn’t get elected, and ruin our public image even more.

  3. Why does anyone with a criticism need to have an agenda? Why must we have contempt for anyone with whom we disagree?

    Why is there so much name-calling in the comments on Yeshiva World? Why do so many comments here need to end with, “Please don’t bash me.” Really, makes you wonder….

  4. He is Reform, nebach bal issurim ,educated,speakes in churches.It’s all true.Probably anice fellow. But a Rabbi,never.A Rabbi believes in his religion,not violate it!

  5. so, if he wins, NJ will have a blind congressman to join the deaf (they do not hear the voices of the constituents) and the dumb (no explanation needed).

  6. to #5….again everyone is voiceing personal opinons .we are not guided l’gabay such inyonim by personal opinions there is a shulchun urech that we are guided by…now on reform jews one can say they are tinok shenishba ,or misguided by the leaders but the leaders are b’gader maisis umadiach now there are halochos l’gabay that cateagory not to
    #5 to pashute yid .. please do you really think what the steiplr said, if he said it, to pertain to one who is kofer bechol hatorah kilo not to mention they dont believe torah min hashmayinm and a large chailik dont even belive in metzious haborah and you want to say that is what the holy steipler refered to . you know what the holy steipler, the big poal yesuous did when one came with kvitel was m’cahlel shabbos or etc. etc. he litreraly threw him out. see the haggadah of the steipler many such stories and according to those stories he just knew the facts from mamush ruach hakodes (it paye to buy the haggadah ,beautiful chiddushim also chiidushim from hagoan hakossh reb chaim his son. and you come with this nonsense that one whon is all above should have koach with his yesurim. so lets mention the reform leaders. the reform leader is not tinok shenisba maybe the followers..also tinik shenishba is when one was as child nisba lets say like the children during the shoah who were raised catholic, but if one lives among yiddishe yidden and he see how they observe and doesnt research that maybe i’m not right thats not tinok shenishbe

  7. I find it shameful that YW decides to post stories in a fashion that will invite such negative comments. Are there not enough Sonay Yisroel in the world already? We don’t have to create a forum for more and certainly the opnions offerred should not be offerred in Farhesia.

    What’s next? Putting quotation marks around the title Rabbi if the Rabbi in question is a member of RCA?

    Get Serious: Veahavta L’raeacha Kamocha.
    The rest is commentary.


  8. #5 pashute yid..also when and what constitutes ahavas yisroel there’s also halochos on the subject not personal opinions so l’gabay our subject see mesechtas psochim 113 b first line of the medium wide lines… so you’ll see ahavas yisroel is not blank check..also to #1 mr markstein..the reason for those bold letters see yorah deyah hilchos avoda zorah and probably the editors were nice enough not to specify,now again not personal opinions guide us we have a shulchan urech. also what you mention “dr shulmans zechoies outweigh his avairos see #11 so, that klal “zechoiyou outweigh ..” pertains to shomer torah umitzvos not those who are kofir b’chol hatorah kilo plus, see #11….back to #5 pushete yid …the mihsne avos states “ohave sholem v’rodof sholem” so the sifrei musser say pshat, among them the “dagel machne efraim”(not sure), some time you have be “RODOF”{chase away} the sholem like these cases we’re discussing they bring of course we working to bring them back to derech hatorah and we dont hate them ,”yitamu chatouim not chotim” see bruchos daf 10a but one has to keep in mind lo darcanu,darcom..

  9. If the tzadikei hador are called “Ainay ha’aidah” it would seem to me that “blind reform rabbi” is redundant.

  10. to #12..”v’uhafta l’rayachu komochu”..the talmud darshens “r’ayachu b’mitzvos” you dont believe in torah s’bal peh so you can complain see #11. also this “yeshivah world” is made for shomrei torah umitzvos and has to observe all hilchos pertaining so if you are not a shomer torah ,dont believe torah min hashomaim etc etc what are you doing on this site.. “ozvaie torah yehalelu rosha v’shomrei torah yisgeruh bom….”..seems one thing of torah s’ball peh you like “vohafta l’rayacho kumochu the rest is commentary” well hillel said it to the gentile who wanted to convert( shabbsos 31a )not to the yid who doesnt believe in the whole “commentary”

  11. #16..all this mayhselech that you qoute does not negate halocho..and did’t see anyone post regarding this subject about being nice or not nice…what you say is not relevent all these pointers we mentioned you did not refute so mayselech ahare mayselech ahine…..also the mayseh you qoute i read it of the stiepler..just reminded its also in the “haggudah shel pesach” of the steipler ztvk”l that we mentioned in #11..when we meet a reform leader wont spit in his face and of course greet him .etc,etc but when it comes to be misbaiach apikorsim the gemmoroh says numerous times “shani minos d’euse lamshicahi basrey..” and those who stick up vhemently for them “lo b’chinom holach hzarzir eitzel huoireif alo mipnai shehu mino” …while we are at it the accepted meaning of in our circles, the word rabbi is one who observes and disseminates the holy torah EG:”rabbainu hakudoeh” since the reform leaders not only dont beleive but are maisis and madiach see #11 they are not what we shomrei torah umitzvos consider rebbi or “rabbi” thats why the word rabbi is in qoutation marks..back to your story from chofetz chainm (or steipler)again your maiseh is not doime to the subject at hand your talking about bocher whos hashkofes was “questionable” and was nogaiah only to we are talking about “maisis umadiach” lcholhatorah see #11..also if you can please find out where i can verify these maises ..we did read about 2 bocherim one was az ponim and he sent him out of yeshivah others was a little lax but didnt send him….also about taking may place in gehenom ..with your hashkofos i noticed from your postings you’ll be busy worring about yours…can tell you plenty about holy tzaddikim who who didnt want to look into thier faces (maskilim, aka. reform, because “assur l’histakel b’ponin adom —– ….. the wholy chasam sofer plus other gedolim referde to them as ‘RA..bonim see sefer “dor deiah” from herha’g rav kemelhare

  12. This gentleman isn’t running for a Rabbinical post, he’s running for Congress. It is a rare congressperson who his an example of Tzidkus & Yashrus (think political clubs & lobbyists).

    As far as I know the U.S. Constitution separates Church & State. Anyone who tries to use religion for political gain is a scoundrel. That he is using his “Rabbi” title as a qualification for the position says enough!

  13. to #20 reb sholem…see #11,13, 17, 19…. by using the word “perverted” you have given yourself away,deheinu ,by labling those who follow the arba chelkey shulchun urech which is comprised of torah s’beksav and torah s’bal peh you call perverted..also we are not talking about 100% we aRE TALKING ABOUT BELIVING 0%(see #11 )dont be so simplistic “there are only 2 kinds of jews..”)

  14. Shocked to the gills that there was not ONE comment which insinuated that perhaps his blindness was a sign that he was smitten by the Almighty for leading a corrupt flock of Jews!

    But how
    does the fact that he is a Reform Rabbi interfere with his political capablities? why should that interfere?

  15. “Shocked to the gills that there was not ONE comment which insinuated that perhaps his blindness was a sign that he was smitten by the Almighty for leading a corrupt flock of Jews!”

    I assume you mean you’re shocked for the better and impressed, given that a comment like that would be insensitive and somewhat nonsensical by Jewish theology.

    And #16– right, I guess there’s no need for menschlikeit past whatever limudim we have for shurat ha’din…

  16. 25,

    Yes, I am shocked for the better yet based on previous comments made on other blogs, unfortunatley
    I WOULDNT be surprised if someone WOULD have made that insenstive remark

  17. to #24 to poshute yid …the gemmorah defines what constitutes “yesurim shel ahava” meseachtes brochos 5a middle of daf…”aizayhu yesurim shel ahavah? kol shain bo bittle torah..”so can you apply it here?…but anyway all those who have these negetive comments or judjement it is not here on this form to pass your negetive views,men tit gornish oif nor megareh the sine..

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