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NY Post: The Dov Hikind Election Prediction

hikind2.jpgAssemblyman Dov Hikind told the NY Post yesterday, that he predicts that Jewish voters would make “a mass movement toward Sen. McCain” if Barack Obama knocks Hillary Rodham Clinton out of the race in tomorrow’s critical Democratic primaries.

Hikind blasted Obama for what he called his half-hearted support of Israel and his ties to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., who has repeatedly praised anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has endorsed Obama.

Hikind, a Democrat who has yet to endorse a candidate for president, said Obama had not satisfactorily distanced himself from Wright, his Chicago-based personal pastor, noting, “This is a man who thinks Farrakhan is a great guy and God’s gift to the world.”

Hikind went on, “Obama has said that you can be a supporter of Israel even if you’re for giving up land to the Arabs, which is true – but for a guy running for president to take a position like this in advance of getting into office, combined with everything else going on in the Middle East, that scares the heck out of me.

“There are a heck of a lot of Jews who are concerned about these issues, and they go way beyond Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, people I describe as conservative Reagan/Giuliani Democrats,” said Hikind.

(Source: NY Post)

6 Responses

  1. There are so many heimasha yidden without adequate health insurance and who have been employed for months that I would diagree with Mr. Hikind.
    Politics will dictate the Obama response to Israel not his own feelings. If a democratic congress supports Israel there is not much he can do.
    I think people will vote their pocketbooks which the republican part has pretty much drained over the past eight years no matter who is the candidate

  2. fmlogic123, you have not heard some of Barack Obama’s comments about his refusal to denounce Louis Farrakhan’s remarks about Jews and Judaism. And socialized medicine would only worsen things not improve them.

  3. Reb Dov LOY”T:
    When Mrs. Clinton kissed and praised Mrs. Arafat, they had something in common: the latter, a husband who was a repeated offender of “Lo Sirtzach”; the former, a husband who was a repeated offender of “Lo Sinaf”. Apparently, they were both proud of their spouses.

    Seriously, early in Bill Clinton’s presidency, a leading Rosh Yeshiva (member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah) confided in me his concern about the declining morality in America, with the president as a horrible role model. As Hillary has condoned — and probably approved — Bill’s boorish behavior for decades, we should all be concerned about the danger of this country becoming another Sdom/Amora R”L if she is elected.

    From people who know him, Obama is a nice, well-intentioned gentlemen, no worse than any other Goy.

  4. Flatbush Bubby

    Obama’s remarks will play no role in policy. Nixon was vociferous in his anti semitisim yet which president did more for Israel when they needed help most

    Socialized medicine is inherently better then NO medicine, wouldn’t you agree

  5. #2 — I don’t know what you’re talking about. He has repeatedly denounced Farrakhan’s views about Jews. He even used his speech in a black church on MLK Day to denounce anti-Semitism in the black community. Obama has had many many Jewish supporters for his entire political career, and has been a strong supporter of Israel–his voting record is pretty perfect in that respect. If you want to know his views there is an Israel fact sheet available on his website.

  6. It is beyond my comprehension how someone could consider Obsama as a viable candidate. He has made it this far not through substance but throughrabble rousing and such. A person like that is a demagogue, and we jews have not had good experiences with demagogues i.e. Hitler.

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