Los Angeles Cheder Has Swastikas Scrawled On Its Property

YW-Swastikas LA Cheder-01.jpg(Click HERE for pictures) Over the weekend, swastikas and hateful graffiti was scrawled on the property of Los Angeles Cheder. Los Angeles Cheder is the premiere chareidi school in Los Angeles and counts amongst its families the Chashuvei Ha’ir. LAPD’s Hollywood division are treating the incident as a hate crime and are actively investigating the incident. This hateful incident comes on the heels of numerous similar incidents in the valley area. The LAPD in conjunction with the FBI have announced a monetary reward for information in the valley cases.

The FBI’s Domestic Terrorism Squad is involved in the investigation and is coordinating with the LAPD. LAPD’s Deputy Chief of Counter Terrorism Michael P. Downing, who is familiar with the school and the community Askanim is pledging all resources to catch the perpetrators. First Assistant Chief Jim McDonnell is closely monitoring the investigation.

Los Angeles Councilman Jack Weiss is planning on visiting with Cheder officials tomorrow to address concerns and show solidarity. You may recall that Councilman Weiss’ office was targeted by hateful graffiti last year (reported HERE by YWN). As the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, Weiss has been at the forefront of safety and security concerns and championed the need for additional resources for potential terror targets, including the Shuls, schools and community centers.

The Cheder is comprised of many families that are children and grandchildren of holocaust survivors, and the incident has caused concern. The Cheder and its staff are very appreciative of the rapid and sensitive response of public safety. A Police/FBI security briefing and meeting with Cheder parents is being planned for the near future.

(Written by YWN LA Correspondent)

4 Responses

  1. THe cheder is ONE OF the premiere charedi schools in Los Angeles. Toras Emes is the oldest “permiere charedi school” in LA and counts amoungst its families many of the chashuvei hair as well. The cheder generally services the more chassidish crowd

  2. Unfortunatetly, some yeshivas have had the experienced that their own studens, in a random act of vandalism, drew swasticas on yeshiva property (or the car of one of the rebbes). Do not assume, without more evidence, that this vandalism was an anti-semitic act by outsiders. Maybe yes, maybe no.

  3. #3, I was also surprised at the wording “the premiere chareidi school in Los Angeles”.
    Toras Emes is certainly the largest and most prominent Chareidi school in Los Angeles. According to Websters online dictionary:

    Entry Word:

    Text: 1 coming before all others in time or order — see first 1 2 highest in rank or authority — see head 3 coming before all others in importance — see foremost 1
    This topic is heavily political, and a matter of personal opinion. I think that using that word is an unfair manipulation of public opinion.

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