UNAUTHORIZED FUEL: Biala London Chassidus Explains Why Lag BaOmer Fire Exploded Last Night

As YWN was first to report last night, a Lag Baomer bonfire by the Biala London Chassidus in Stamford Hill literally exploded the second it was being lit.

Hatzolah treated as many as 30 people with various injuries. Around 10 were taken to the hospital for evaluation for various injuries – including burns.

There was much speculation as to what caused the explosion.

The story gained international traction, and was even published on the DrudgeReport, BBC and many other international news agencies.

The following is a statement released by the Biala Chassidus:

“The Biala Community are very distressed by the events which unfolded last night by the annual Lag Baomer fire. This annual tradition should have been celebrated in an uneventful and pleasant manner. The organizers put in great efforts to ensure the safety of the participants from the outset. Unfortunately as the fire was about to be lit, it appears an unauthorized flammable liquid was added and this caused an unprecedented reaction. This will of course be investigated.

We sincerely apologize to any individuals affected. All misplaced items are available for collected and anything lost will be replaced. Anyone who has been hurt in any way should please contact us should there be any further concerns.

The Committee”

2 Responses

  1. It really seems like a very disorganized gathering as far I could see on the video, everyone is just too close to the fire,Think a little bit more and be more cautious next time! put fences around the fire at least ten feet away from it, and the rebbe should have a longer stick and distance himself from it, DON’T PLAY WITH FIRE!

  2. looks like some one put kerosene or gasoline on instead of olive oil. Oil takes a long time to light, but gasoline will burst into flames as did this fire….

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