YWN Is Now On WhatsApp – Signup To Be Notified Of Breaking News

As YWN continues growing and expanding, we would like to inform our readership that we are now on WhatsApp.

CLICK HERE or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) to receive breaking news and exclusive content in your area!

It’s important you give us your exact location, so you can be immediately notified of breaking news of interest to your community – as well as all major breaking news.

Additionally, YWN is now sending out a daily email, recapping the top stories of the day, as well as an email notifying you of breaking news. You can sign up for that below.

More than 62K people currently follow @TheYeshivaWorld on Instagram, more than 64K people follow @YWN on Twitter, and more than 30K follow @YeshivaWorldNews on Facebook. For the latest videos of interest, make sure to subscribe to the YWNews YouTube Channel.

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