NY Gov. Cuomo Issues Persuasive Letter To Sen. Simcha Felder After He Helps GOP Keep Control Of NYS Senate

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today issued the following letter to Senator Simcha Felder, after he sided with Republicans and helped them keep their majority:

Dear Senator Felder,

Given Shelley Mayer’s victory in yesterday’s Senate special election, your decision on Senate leadership is now pivotal. There are now 32 registered Democratic Senators forming a majority Democratic Conference. The IDC has unified, and while I understand that you conference as a Republican and run on multiple lines, you are registered as a Democrat. I strongly urge you to join the 31 other registered Democrats so we can enact meaningful legislation that will continue our state’s progress at this most critical political time.

There is a new Democratic movement in this state and a new Democratic Senate Conference. We have come a long way. The New York Democratic Party is a new model of Democratic leadership. In this state, Democrats are no longer about just offering dreams but a party of dreamers and doers – a powerful combination. We have articulated a different vision for our state and we have delivered on it. We have credibility with the public because we didn’t offer only words, but matched our words with actions. We have made this state the most progressive state in the nation as a matter of aspiration and reality. No state rivals our record on social progress or government accomplishment.

There is much to be proud of, but with a Democratic Senate, we could do even more. There are issues we need to address that the Republicans in the Senate refused to act upon or even bring to the floor for a vote. Not only is it a wasted opportunity to move the state forward, but by refusing to bring issues up for a vote New Yorkers don’t even know where the legislators stand.

Putting political considerations aside, the policies that could be advanced would make a real difference in people’s lives. These issues would make a positive difference to your community. Ethics reforms, including campaign finance reform, closing the LLC loophole and banning outside income, would be significant advancements. Bail reform to end cash bail and bring racial justice to our system, election reform for early voting, gun safety measures including increasing the waiting period, strengthening rent laws by ending vacancy decontrol, and the DREAM Act are issues where progress is possible and meaningful.

Legislation protecting a woman’s right to choose, the Child Victims Act, and LGBTQ rights could also pass.

I understand that you may not support all these issues but many Republicans have said they would pass these bills if they came to the floor. New Yorkers deserve at least transparency on where individual legislators stand. I appreciate different positions, but not the refusal to take a position on these important issues – no one should.

These are no ordinary times. The federal administration in Washington has evidenced an anti-New York attitude, philosophy and agenda. The federal tax bill that removes full state and local tax deductibility and its anti-immigrant philosophy is destructive to our state. They disrespect the diversity that our communities represent. In this atmosphere, state action has never been more important. We can change New York for the better and protect our state from adverse federal action. I understand your point that a majority shift will cause an upheaval in the Senate, but the state budget has been passed and no significant legislation currently has the chance of moving. Any legislation that we could get done with the current Senate configuration we did get done. Upheaval in the Senate bureaucracy is manageable and Senate staff reconfigurations are not a significant factor in this context.

There is no significant change without disruption. The status quo takes force to move. I also believe registered Democrats should stand united at this definitive moment.

Usually an executive is warned to avoid “interference” with the legislative branch of government. Through the years governors have been criticized for meddling with Senate or Assembly leadership decisions as it violated the separation of powers policy. These are not usual days. I have also said I am committed to electing a functional Democratic majority as 32 is not a functional conference as the recent past dysfunctional episodes have proven. From that perspective, let me say that the Democratic Conference will not need you in November the way they need you now. I believe there will be additional Democrats who win and are seated for the next legislature. You have said that you act in the best interest of your constituents. For their benefit, now is the time that matters. I know what you said yesterday, but this morning brings a new reality.

We have approximately six weeks remaining in the legislative session, and I hope we don’t squander the time. Public service affords us the opportunity to make positive change. I hope you seize and maximize your opportunity to improve the state for all.

cc: Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins


Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. So there you have it. The filthy governor comes straight out and says he needs Simcha to help him pass laws allowing a woman to murder her baby and support LGBTQ amongst other crimes. Thank you Simcha for standing up to that piece of manure in Albany.

  2. What a nerve from the governor. He’s trying to blackmail Simcha. The only reason Simcha is in office is because if the super Jewish district created by the Republicans, and there’s hakaros hatov involved in it. Governor Cuomo mind your own business!

  3. Garbage.
    What these guys don’t realize is unlike every other politician, who lined up his pockets with unlawful cash, he totally serves his Jewish constituents who at times side with Republicans and at times a Democrat. He isn’t a identified by party person but to the party he serves

  4. This letter is poison to politics, and it demonstrates how morally low our governor has gotten. I am ashamed that he is serving as the highest elected official in the state. I look forward to his replacement.

    Dear Governor Cuomo:

    Some specific challenges:

    “you are registered as a Democrat”. Since when does one’s technical party affiliation determine every vote? That is reprehensible. Felder needs to vote the will of his constituents and his conscience. Not the Democratic bureaucrats’ will.

    “you are registered as a Democrat”. In reality, this is a disgrace. This word “progressive” is better defined as hedonistic, morality-free, and politically correct.

    “Bail reform to end cash bail and bring racial justice to our system, election reform for early voting, gun safety measures including increasing the waiting period, strengthening rent laws by ending vacancy decontrol, and the DREAM Act are issues where progress is possible and meaningful.” Now this slime is dictating how Felder should vote on these issues. That is not just meddling. The governor is lobbying, pressing an elected official to please him with a vote. Sorry, but that is unethical. I could address this item by item, but most who visit this site have enough intellect to understand this without my help.

    “Legislation protecting a woman’s right to choose, the Child Victims Act, and LGBTQ rights could also pass.” Now this stretches the limits even farther. This “woman’s right to choose” involves the murder of a child who has not expressed his/her intention. What is this Child Victim’s Act? The Markey Bill again? The needed legislation was not in any prior versions of Markey. Expect felder to support such a bill that is reasonable, not the trash that was proposed a few times in the past. Perhaps Felder believes, as most of constituents do, that this LGBTQ business essentially legitimizes immorality. Pressuring him to vote for that is crual and abusive.

    “The federal administration in Washington has evidenced an anti-New York attitude, philosophy and agenda. ” Bupkis, and you know it. Rather, both NYS and NYC have taken an extreme anti-Trump position, fighting against anything coming from Washington. Waiting for the rewards? A piece of candy, maybe?

    “its anti-immigrant philosophy is destructive to our state” More bupkis. The federal administration is not anti-immigrant. It is anti-illegals. Those who want citizenship have a pathway, and can come here legally. No one stops them. These immigrants are here without record. They commit crimes against American citizens, and can almost not be given their due justice. The sanctuary states will not even allow the feds to do their law enforcement responsibilities. You and these other states are anti-American, and a disgrace to our entire population.

    “I also believe registered Democrats should stand united at this definitive moment” I am a registered Democrat, and a constituent of Senator Felder. He will vote as I and my peers wish, regardless of the technical affiliation. I will never ask you how to vote, and you can make your sales pitch without telling me what to do. That’s authoritarian, not ok for a governor.

    “this morning brings a new reality” Yes, it does. Day by day,we New Yorkers are exposed to more and more of your shenanigans. You excuse your violation of the no meddling in the legislative branch policy. No excuse. Leave the State Senate and Assembly alone. Either sign or veto the bills they pass. You can market your position, but do not ever, ever tell an elected official how to vote.

    Again, I am repeatedly embarrassed by your behavior as governor, and I anticipate your replacement.

  5. I am also a registered democrat but I say it’s time to clean up the sewer in Albany. Cuomo is the first one that has got to go. He puts millions of New Yorkers in misery every day by letting the New York City subway system rot and go to pot and he has the nerve to tell our Simcha how to vote. The first thing Cuomo should do is resign before he is impeached. Look how desperate and despicable he has become by giving criminals the right to vote. It fits in with his mentality that we should allow illegal criminal aliens to live here so they should also be able to vote for him. Shame on him. Wake up democrats. Lets vote for new people in Albany who will take the stench out of the sewer and perhaps clean up the sewer entirely

  6. We need bail reform so more violent criminals can continue to drive drunk and murder innocent couples.
    Keep up the great agenda governor homo

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