Houston 911 Operator Found Guilty Of Hanging Up On Thousands Of Callers; Given 10 DAY Jail Sentence

Prosecutors say a former 911 operator in Houston has been found guilty of hanging up on people calling for emergency services and sentenced to 10 days in jail and 18 months of probation.

The Harris County district attorney’s office says jurors on Wednesday found 44-year-old Crenshanda Williams guilty of interference with emergency telephone calls, a misdemeanor. A judge sentenced her.

Prosecutors say she worked as a 911 operator for a year and a half, ending in 2016. Records showed that thousands of calls lasting less than 20 seconds were attributed to her hanging up.

Calls varied from reports of robberies and homicides to reports of speeding vehicles.

Williams told investigators she often hung up because she didn’t want to talk to anyone at those times.


3 Responses

  1. “She didn’t want to talk to anyone at those times”

    You can’t make this stuff up.
    Thank you Colin Powell. Here is your Affirmative action at work.

  2. Every stupid company says these days “This call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes” but the 911 call center isn’t monitored or recorded for FOR SAFETY PURPOSES!!??

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