SHIVA INFORMATION: Yisroel Levin Z”L And Elisheva Kaplan A”H

The following are details of the Shiva for Yisroel Levin Z”L and Elisheva Kaplan A”H, an engaged couple killed in a horrific car crash last week.

The Levin family is returning home from the Levaya in Eretz Yisroel, and will be at 1410 Avenue R, Brooklyn, NY 11229.

Shachris will be at 8:15 am. Mincha at 7:00 pm. Maariv at 10:00 pm.

The Levins will be getting up from Shiva Sunday morning after Shachris.

Shiva for Elisheva, A”H, began immediately after Pesach and will last until Friday morning, April 13th.

Shiva for the Kaplan Family will be at 449 Beach 6th Street, Far Rockaway 11691.

Shachris will be at 7:30 am. Mincha will be at 7:15 pm, followed by Maariv.

Besuros Tovos

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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