The Newest Venture From Yiddele: Watch Video Of Gush Katif Farmer

yiddele is launching a new and exciting concept online, a video article which serves to make the subject come to life before your very eyes., the Shomer Shabbos Business Club, also invites you to a new venture, in which you can advertise your business. You can enhance your written ad with a video presentation, tailored to your specifications, which is certain to impress your viewers and boost your business, b’ezras Hashem., a worldwide website dedicated to serving the frum community’s business needs, allows you to search the Internet and advertise to increase the growth of your business, while avoiding the risk of seeing things prohibited by Halacha.

Options include a free Business listing and ways to upgrade your ad to an even higher level.

Visit to watch the new video article: A FORMER GUSH KATIF FARMER

One Response

  1. Sounds great, add the video of “live in Sderot” so that we can accurately feel the pain and anguish of what occurs on a daily basis in Sderot.

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