Nosh On This: OU Sees Increase In Variety And Number Of Products Kosher For Passover

Orthodox Union Kosher, the world’s largest and most widely-recognized kosher certification agency, today reported an increase in not only the number of Kosher for Passover products available but also the sheer variety of what you can buy today. And it’s not just about traditional staples like matzo, brisket and potato kugel; shoppers who observe are buying everything from coconut oil, cauliflower rice and marinara sauce to coffee, vodka and wine.

Aisles of local grocery stores are filed with OU-certified products. The company certifies over one million products annually. Industry reports have indicated that the Kosher food market is growing rapidly. This is especially true for Passover, with sales amounting to 40%, or $1.8 billion, of the Kosher food market, and over 55,000 different Kosher for Passover foods available.

Shoppers are also looking for more than this holiday, as many stores offer kosher for Passover pet food and other household and personal care items like deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, food wraps, tablecloths and more.

“We have seen the number and type of products available today nearly double since 2012,” said Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Operating Officer, Orthodox Union Kosher Division. “The Kosher market, even beyond Passover is growing exponentially as those who observe expand and modernize their palettes and the desire for clean eating continues.”

The rigorous kosher certification gives both observant and non-observant consumers piece of mind that the food they are buying was produced with quality and purity in mind. To help shoppers know what is, and isn’t, kosher, OU offers a Passover guide and app, designed for easy use while shopping. Whether looking to eat clean and gluten-free or feed your family their favorites while keeping Kosher for Passover, today’s grocery stores, with a little help from the OU, have you covered.

(Source: OU Kosher)

4 Responses

  1. The American Jewish community is getting bigger, frummer and richer – so what do you expect.

    We need to remember that someday people will tell children about our community, and no one will believe how rich we were and how spoiled we were and we managed to have such affluence and accomplish so little.

  2. We have become so sold out to Gashmius, even the so called Hashgocho companies are sold out as well to this phenomenon. They too have a hand in this nonsense. Yomtov is all about how much one can eat, what fancy extravagant getaway one can go on, how much lavish expensive clothing one can buy and zero introspect on the true essence of the Holiday. For shame

  3. This is not news. Let us know when the OU goes back to certifying peanut oil as it did in the 60s and 70s – now THAT would be news!
    One would think that peanuts magically became kitniyot over just a few years time.

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