Obama: I’ll Reject Farrakhan’s Support

Obama f.jpgSen. Barack Obama of Illinois came under a full-out assault Tuesday night from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York in their last debate before crucial primaries in Ohio and Texas that could make or break Clinton’s campaign.

The debated flared up when Obama said he “denounced” Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam for his long history of anti-Semitic statements, but hesitated to “reject” Farrakhan’s support. Clinton said Obama needed to take a stronger stand.

“If Senator Clinton feels that ‘reject’ is stronger than the word ‘denounce,’ then I’m happy to concede the point, and I would “reject and denounce” Farrakhan’s support, Obama said to scattered laughter in the hall.

(Source: MSNBC)

26 Responses

  1. publically denounce/reject while privately embracing – a non-event. what’s next he is going to publically reject his priest who has similar views to louie farrahkan?

  2. I was not convinced of his “rejection” of Farrakhan or of the radical minister of his church. This man is dangerous for Jews and Americans and his ties to the Muslim community cannot continue to be ignored, as they have been by the mainstream media. If elected he will send the “rich” (people making over $75,000) back into the 70% tax brackets that were around during Carter and he is not friend of Israel, despite what he said. We should reject this phony immediately and elect McCain who can be trusted when it comes to fighting those who with to destroy us.

  3. why not be a fan of Obama? as good a choice as any out there right now. lichol hapochus he has oratory skills which no one else in the race can match. we could at least get 4 years of good vibes from his speeches

  4. Not being a fan of Obama nor of Hillary but when the news got out about Obama wearing traditional Muslim clothing in Kenya , why don’t we question Hillary’s kiss to Sufa Arafat, when after a 1999 speech where Mrs. Arafat the wife of Terrorist leader Yasser Arafat just finished giving a speech on how Israel has poisoned Palestinian children???? It’s very simple its politics as usual !!!

  5. To der alter fun chelm: there’s no need for you to tell us where you are from!! Your inane and uneducated comment makes it painfully aware that you are indeed from chelm!!

  6. shaina midos gezinte. get a job and stop policing the thought processes of every yid. where does it say in sifrei mussar or anywhere else that you need to be a knee-jerk fascist and racist? just because he is black that makes him a potential suicide bomber? grow up already. and come to grips with the fact that none of these candidates will ever meet your requirements, because….YOURE IN GOLUS! so either move to a cabin in the remote reaches of western canada and live off herbs and berries or deal with the reality. you might even be able to contribute something worthwhile to society if you dropped your visceral biases and looked for the good in something or someone. a freilichen mitvuch

  7. der chelmer in #12,

    I guess you don’t have any logical responses so you use the classic attack I guess you don’t have any logical responses so you use the classic attack mechanisim.

    Did you pick that up in chelm?

  8. Allter fun chelm: you must be kidding!! either that or youre TAKEH from chelm!!! I have no “visceral biases” (fancy words…surprised u know them)just my efforts lefi anyas dati, to stop irreverent and senseless comments that are spewed by uneducated people!!

  9. #18

    ITS A JOKE! i wasn’t being personal.

    it’s the same type of joke that Hillary can’t win the presidency, because what are all the frum newspapers going to do?(no women allowed, cuz it’s not tzniyus.)

  10. not sure why my reponse didnt get posted, but considering that it was rather acerbic, i will accept that this was a siman min haShamayim that the reibberei between yidden on these forums is not the correct thing. so gezinte and truth, you go on and listen to Sean hannity and Rush Limbaugh but remember the alter fun chelm knows better voos darf liggen in a yiddishe hartz. think about it. a frelichen purim

  11. #21 – believe it or not, there are many attacking obama b/c of his positions, his lack of accomplishments, his non-existent track record at leading, his allies and supporters.

    1)race and

    are not the reasons for the attacks – your claim that they are is off-base. caling posters here worse than the kkk is at best foolish.

    You, who want to support him simply b/c of his race and ancestry (as if those things matter) over other candidates is illogical, but, it will make you feel good to tell everyone that you are not a bigot, you voted for a black man.

    (if you are referring to the drawing, this is common in many news venues to use drawings as opposed to pictures)

  12. Looking at the caricature of Obama that was used in lieu of an actual photo, I can’t help but relate it to the caricatures of Jews that were used in German propaganda to accentuate how different the Jews were from “normal” people, and how you shouldn’t even be thinking of them as people at all. Once again, the site has sunk to a new low.

  13. bacci40: Do you support his views on economic issues, universal medical coverage, sitting down with achmedinajad (spelling), bombing pakistan, abandoning the war on terror?

    big deal he was the president of the harvard law reivew (who cares about his color – besides you). Since when does becoming a community organizer qualify you to be president?

    oh, and giving up the big $$$ on wall street didn’t stop him from buying some pretty pricey property ($1.7M) on a state legislator and US senators salary

    regarding anti-semitic supporters: go back and re-read my post number #3 – I call this whole thing a non-event — he, like every politician will publically say one thing and do another thing in private. my issue in post #24 is to vote simply because he is black is as wrong as to vote against him b/c he is black.

    re; Constitutional authority – I’m not sure, but does he even claim to be such? And, if he does, do other more seasoned scholars accept him as such.

  14. to frumyid (rebshalom)

    So you believe a candidate who went to a Muslim school, who is supported by all anti-semite black nationalists, and who wants to take Jerusalem away from Israel and make it into an International City (whatever THAT means) is better than anything else?

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