OU Kicks Off Their Purim Drinking Awareness Campaign

purim.jpgOnce again this year, as part of the Orthodox Union’s Safe Schools, Safe Shuls, Safe Homes initiative, OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb is calling on parents in advance of Purim festivities to alert their children to the dangers of drinking. Purim begins this year on Thursday, March 20. Rabbi Weinreb’s message is as follows:

Celebrating the miracle of Purim is a most enjoyable time for our community.  It is a time to celebrate our deliverance from the danger of extinction as a people.

Unfortunately, however, the Orthodox community has experienced tragedy as a result of accidents related to excessive drinking.  Excessive drinking poses serious health risks for the inebriated as well as those around them.  Purim simcha is appropriate but the kind of reckless drinking that takes place in many circles is not in the spirit of Yahadut (unity).

In today’s climate, where youngsters have increased access to all types of excesses, having too many drinks on Purim leads to future problems.  Many teens who have fallen away from a stable life situation point to a drink at a “Kiddush Club,” a drink on Purim, or a smoke at a Purim party as the starting point for their addiction.

We are therefore asking parents to join together and to carefully monitor their children over Purim.  It is important to know where and with whom your teens will be throughout the holiday.  Please talk to your children about the dangers of drinking. In this way, we can ensure that we all experience a Purim filled with Orah, Simcha, Sasson, V’ykar (light, gladness, rejoicing and splendor).

29 Responses

  1. many many of our holest rabbis from the previos generation have stresed the importance of drinking on purim, the OU has absolutely no right to undermine our previous gedoilim. DRINK AWAY AD D’LOH YUDAH

  2. no one said not to drink!

    heres some quotes:

    “alert their children to the dangers of drinking.”

    “experienced tragedy”

    “accidents related to excessive drinking.”

    “serious health risks”

    “reckless drinking”

    “too many drinks”

    “carefully monitor”

    “Please talk to your children about the dangers of drinking.”

  3. i think now that LIPA is the hero – he should be their spokesman to get out this message. maybe a video clip!! cmon LIPA –

  4. We definitely have to be carefull on purim, but we still shouldn’t undermine the mitzva of drinking on purim, chas v’shalom. If you look into any of the sifrei d’rush you will see how much we “tu oif”

  5. A friend of mone once told me his rabbi said “Chayav Inish L’bisumei B’Puryei.” And, his rabbis learned out – B’Puryei yes, but not B’mashke.

  6. What about ushmartem meod linafshoseichem? How many more children have to r’l be hospitalized or worse on purim due to drinking? How many will develop a taiveh to drink at the next kiddush and become regular alcoholics? What abt the issur of davening while drunk? Zman Krias Shma/Tefila? What about “Dina dimalchusa dina” when it comes to underage children. If you think its legal,how would you feel if a cop was standing there, would you serve a minor alcohol?? For some reason when it comes to drinking on purim everyone is looking to be machmir with the “chazon ishes shiur”. If you all of a sudden felt the urge to become a big baal tshuva and big baal machmir, Im sure most of us can find more important places to start working on our ruchnios. Face it, for most,its nothing more than an excuse to get drunk and do hoililus under the guise of “it’s a mitzva’
    You can be yotzei ‘ad-dlo-yoda’ be sleeping purim night. Rama – Orach Chaim 695/2
    Whats it gonna take???

  7. I learned in school today that there is no need to get drunk of purim. the idea of ad dloh yada does not mean to get drunk until you dont know the differnce. The idea of wine is that it reveals secrets. The “secret” that is supposed to be revealed is that hashem has an ahava for us that is not talui bdvar, and that even when mordechai, or bnei yisrael are not “baruch” or doing what hashem wants, he still has that ahava. This realization does not need to be done with getting drunk which leads to hollilus…

  8. Illini07,
    The fact that drinking under the age of 21 is illegal is not the point. It is a chiyuv to drink on purim and if that conflicts with the law, to bad for the law. However, of course everything must be with a “geder”, and excessive drinking is certainly not a chiyuv. Well done OU.

  9. ChadGadya, Your reasoning is that of a goat!
    Its exactly the point. Dina dimalchusa dina means that the “law” is the din not vice versa as you suggest. Besides,I never saw that any halocho should actually conflict with a law.
    Secondly, The rama is choilek (disagrees) with you. It is NOT a chiyuv to drink (see my post above); you can sleep at night and be mikayem ad-dlo-yoda. But youre entitled to your opinion, just dont endanger others. Go consult your local rov or farmer as it may be.

  10. I’m sorry to inform eveyone that “dino demalchusa dino” obviously applies only when it does not contradict halocho. If there was a law that we must all wear shatnez for example we would obviously be required to disregard it. Drinking on purim is not a de’oiraysa like shatnez but it is a chiyuv nevertheless and we are mechuyav to do so regardless of the law. To everyone who mentioned going to sleep, the poskim certainly do not mean to do away with a gemoro mefureshes “chayov inish livesumay”. They merely say that in the “shiur” of “ad delo yoda” it is enough to drink a little bit and then go to sleep. Everyone agrees that one must drink at least “yoiser mihergailo” and this is a CHIYUV MENTIONED IN THE GEMORO. Of course steps must be taken to make sure it does not get out of hand. As I said before, WELL DONE OU.

  11. purim is a time best spent like it says clearly in the megila: Mishpacha Umishpacha. And in that case, I think even some wine. Teach ’em how to drink responsibly. And to talk Mainyonei dYoma. And then depending on the age they can go to a supervised gathering with their chevra and Farbreng. It creates a healthy Dvaikus Bechaveirim.

    Not running around shnoring.

  12. most of todays leading gedolim get drunk
    then come along a bunch of HARRIES and say lets not get drunk C’MON
    bli neder i’m going to my rebbe’s house for the seudah and he told us he is buying two bottles of wine for each bocher in the shiur

  13. Since when did being drunk on purim become halacha. And since when are we all so strict about halachos. My point is that kids being drunk is a big Chillul Hashem and in my understanding I think Hashem is a little more important than a Mitzvah which could be fulfilled in a different way. I would like to also say that for the children to listen the rabbanim should make a kol korei banning kids drinking since they do seem to be wiote good at making kol koreis.

  14. DON’T send your kids to ISRAEL to celebrate the 3 day Purim, leave them at home…, we have enough of our own homegrown problems.

  15. For everyones information,

    It is illegal to buy alchohol under the age of 21-there’s a reason to the law, it wasn’t just made up for no reason.

    Kids don’t know when to stop, my 10 year old brother was offered a drink at his menahels house on purim! Its the responsibility of the adults to NOT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES give a child under 18 to drink.

    I don’t know if anyones aware of the dangers of drinking. There is something called ALCHOHOL POISONING and yes it can be DEADLY, so please do not have shnaps, wine, liquor…. on your table, yes you can put out drinks like some soda, water… and if you wana be such a great host give some food, the guys will apreciate soo much more.

    Think of it as your kid.

  16. purim is not a jewish ‘mardis gras’. it is a yom tov to be celebrated with kavana and hilchoso.if one wishes to be mekayim ‘ ad dlo yoda’ , let him go to sleep for a few hours on purim. to drink, make zich shikur and raise funds like idiots , it is stupid.raising funds for a good cause is always a wonderful act .it could be done with shira u’bzimra, not hullilious and shikronus. any body who is shiker or acts shikur is not welcome into my home on purim.

  17. Its a mitzvah to drink wine not shnops and yes if they are not old enough to care for thier safty then they should not drink-ITS NOT SAFE

  18. 20, what does Harry in this context mean? I really want to know. Thanks!

    And about people greater than us getting drunk – many of us have seen truly holy people drunk on Purim, or lesser people but who have been sweet and hartzig. Is this what the boys see, and how they behave?

  19. IICHMIEN #4 you should take yourself and your family and leave New york beacouse i dont want my kids to be in danger when you and your kids get drunk! (sorry to be blunt)

  20. 100% true! And not beyond the point of ad delo yoda bain arur haman & boruch mordechai & NOT BEYOND & NOT BEFORE THE SEUDAH! (see mishnah berura chayav inish lebesumai…) Also, all of our holiest rabbis agree (ask any rabbi today) that if drinking gets you to the point(s) of a)speaking or acting in obscenity b)unconsciousness c)looking like a drunkard or d) unusual & unnecassary anger its a TREMENDOUS CHILLUL HASHEM TO DRINK! Go to any purim party & count the amount of teenagers and young adults who fit one or more of these discriptions! The young orthodox persons mindset has to change from “Im just gonna get somewhat high”, “Its only one day a year”, “Its healthy to sometimes get drunk”, “Its a mitzvah to get waisted” to “Its a potential chillul hashem to drink beyond ‘ad delo yoda’ or before the seudah, its a mitzvah to preserve my safety so Im gonna 3 or 4 cups of wine and THATS IT!”

  21. The original article from Rabbi Weinreb stressed responsibility. Purim is a holy day spiritually connected to Yom Kippur. It behooves each and every person to maintain Derech Eretz for the Torah, Megillah, the facility where they are hearing the Megillah reading, be it shul, school, private home.

    Purim is a time to have fun but it should be age-appropriate. Our children had their first cigarettes and booze at a world-famous Yeshiva when they were 13 and 11 years old. Of course, the rabbi who gave it to them did not realize the youngster had asthma!

    I grew up in Brooklyn where our shul had an Ad Lo Ya Da – a major Purim carnival attracting hundreds of people. Nobody ever got drunk. Everything was done with Derech Eretz and Kavod for the Torah, shul, Megilla reading, etc.

    In communities where people can go shul hopping, it behooves people not to get drunk. They have to be able to walk safely.

    Please enjoy yourselves but be responsible for your own actions. A freilichan Purim to all.

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