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Melbourne, Australia: Prison Guards Beat Prisoner For Wearing Yarmulka

prison1.jpgA Jewish prisoner at the privately run Port Phillip Prison was beaten by prison guards in a dispute over his wearing a Yarmulka, The Age reports.

Police are investigating the allegation of the 38-year-old prisoner, currently serving a six-month sentence for burglary. The man spent four nights in St Vincent’s Hospital after the beating. He was then transferred to the government-run Melbourne Assessment Prison.

The man sustained severely blackened and bruised eyes, a broken nose, cut to his face and damage to his left shoulder, when he was stomped on while lying on the ground, when prison officers’ demanded that he should remove his Yarmulka.

A spokeswoman for Corrections Victoria, said that police were investigating the allegations but no charges had yet been laid.

NOTE: On February 14, YWN reported a story (HERE) about a prison in Melbourne which denied a Jewish prisoner his Tallis and Tefillin.

(Source: The Age)

6 Responses

  1. I have to be honest, i dont know how much someone who was convicted of burglary should be fighting about his right to wear a yarmulka

  2. #4 you are apparently not familiar with the concept of teshuva! Do you suggest this poor yid should be poirek ol mitzvas for life! This shrecklache maseh of anti-semitism and countless others is unfortunatly starting to dominate the news.

  3. Where can we protest? What are the contact details for the ministry for justice, the guy’s MP (member of parliament), etc. etc.? Can someone who knows Australian politics advise us how to protest?

    Why is this just a news story without action from us? What use is the internet if we can’t even help yidden with it?

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