Trump Pardons Former Navy Sailor Imprisoned For Taking Photos On Nuclear Submarine

President Donald Trump has pardoned a Navy sailor who took photographs of the classified areas of a military submarine.

Kristian Saucier pleaded guilty last year for taking the photos inside the USS Alexandria in 2009. He’s served a 12-month prison sentence for the crime.

Trump referenced Saucier’s case often on the campaign trail as he criticized his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

Saucier has said he merely wanted service mementos. But federal prosecutors said he was a disgruntled sailor who compromised national security and then obstructed the investigation by destroying a laptop and camera.

The news was announced by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee at a briefing Friday.

Republican President Donald Trump has previously pardoned one person and commuted one person’s sentence:

Joe Arpaio, former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, was convicted of contempt of court and was awaiting sentencing. Pardoned on August 25, 2017.

Sholom Rubashkin, sentenced to 27 years in prison for bank fraud. Commuted on December 20, 2017.


2 Responses

  1. New Message from Meir Yisroel:
    Up until now we have had one incident after the other. Sometimes many incidents in one day or in one week, but still many people are in total denial, sound asleep, not willing to accept that the world as we know it is absolutely falling apart.

    I feel that in coming weeks will bring a very big shock to most of the world. I say most of the world because so many people are still so out of what is happening that they don’t even try to know what drastic changes have happened in the world since 9/11. However this week should bring a great truth to the world making it clear that the world as we know it, planet earth itself is in grave danger. Hopefully, these latest revelations will help many more people to realize that its time, with all their hearts and souls to come back totally to Hashem and His Torah.

    I feel that the events of the coming week will mark a turning point that will affect our lives very much if not directly then indirectly. Whatever it will be, it will shake up our complacency and put many people into panic and many into even stronger denial that will cause a frantic search for a way to survive. I only hope and pray that this search among the Yidden will bring them to Hakadosh Boruch Hu.

    We are very close to a total change in our every day reality and I beg and I plead, Am Yisroel if you know you are a Jew for sure come back to Hashem completely. If you need guidance to do this go directly to Hashem. He will provide everything for you to survive. He will give you spiritually and physically all the tools to get through this most difficult time and to be Zoche to greet Moshiach Tzidkainu. The only stipulation is that you have to do all of this with your whole heart and soul and not think that you can after these events go back to your old ways because you won’t be able to. Only Yidden that with all their hearts and souls want to come back to Hashem and want to do true Teshuva and educate their children in the ways of Hashem and want to accept totally Ol Malchus Shomayim will survive.

    It’s Coming! The Yom Hagadol Vihanorah. Better be ready! And never forget, there is only one G-D and He is The Hakol Yachol, the Ribbono Shel Olam, our Father our Everything and we Am Yisroel are His total servants, His Avdai Hashem and His Ovdai Hashem.

    Remember clearly Ain Od Milvado, Boruch Shem K’vod Malchuso Li’olam Va’ed.

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