Agudath Israel of America Releases Official Purim Poem

New York, NY

A Poet Laureate is a poet officially appointed by a government, NGO or conferring institution.  They are expected to compose poems for special events and occasions. After a six month search, Agudath Israel of America has officially hired a Poet Laureate, Tuvya Lieberman.  The Poet’s first submission deals with Purim and appears below.

Come one and come all, did you hear the news?

The king’s making a party and inviting the Jews!

To go or stay home? It’s not black or white

But Mordechai’s telling us it just isn’t right


The food will be kosher, it will be a feast

We should go and show our faces at least

Don’t risk disappointing the powerful king

Our lives are in the hands of his signet ring


So many cheshbonos, such a decision

Shades of gray that are clouding our vision

But gedolim’s da’as Torah helps them to see

It’s just black and white, they have true clarity


Fast forward a few years, Haman’s in power

Everyone bowing, before him they cower

But Mordechai’s stubborn, he stands proud and tall

How can he dare to endanger us all?!


Doesn’t he realize the implications?

His actions can have major ramifications!

But to Mordechai Hatzaddik it is very clear

Hashem is the only One we have to fear


When we don’t understand, we just have to accept

Even if they tell you that right’s really left

Cuz gedolim’s da’as Torah helps them to see

What’s black and what’s white, they have true clarity


Sometimes we too face decisions like these

Juggling conflicting priorities

Like new technology that seems so exciting

What could go wrong, it looks so inviting


Or a job so appealing but puts values at risk

It’s a great opportunity, cannot be missed

The myriad shailos that come up along the way

Discuss with da’as Torah to see what they say


So the message of Purim is things ARE black and white

In every situation, there’s wrong and there’s right

Wishing you a Purim where you’re able to see

What’s wrong and what’s right, to gain true clarity.


Courtesty of פייקנוז דיויזען אגודת ישראל

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