New Feature – Bentching on YWN!

bentching logo.jpgAre you ever sitting at your desk, and need to Bentch (Grace after meals) – but can’t find a Bentcher handy?

It’s no longer a problem! Simply click HERE to find the appropriate Bracha Achrona needed. [Bichas Hamazon, Al Hamichya, and Borei Nefashos are all there].

The link is located on the left side of the YWN homepage under the features section.

Hearty appetite!


26 Responses

  1. Do we assume that nobody works on Rosh Chodesh?? or will Yaaleh VYavo pop up automatically based on the date?? IF that is the case, then I am really impressed!!

    PS don’t most people keep a bencher or siddur at work? or in their pocket?

  2. great feature. how about addng asher yotzar. there is a big inyan to say it inside and if u work in an office they probably dont have a sgn up.

  3. I’m eating a snack right now just so i can have the zchus of using the bencher. This is why Hashem allowed internet to be made. That and so i could get the Mets scores quicker.

  4. Suggestion I: List these in the “community” listings under the Tehilim. This way, it will always be available.

    Suggestion II: add Tefilas Haderech

  5. Thanks,a good start. Please add Al Hanissim,Yaaleh Ve’yovoh, Shir Hama’alos,Migdol,Horachamon ..Yokim Lonu..
    So we can use it on Weekday musaf days,Chanukka and Purim.

  6. Thanks YWN
    if you open the PDF you can save it then transfer it to your pda,bb….
    I used tonight on my Moto Q, I saved it this afternoon and used tonight in KD.

  7. gabs:

    This is a yeshivish site, obviously. It’s intended audience is not exactly a secret.

    I’m a Lubavitcher and I’m just glad yidden are bentching. Who cares the nusach?

    If you davka want nusach ari it is on the site. I’m sure sefard is also up somewhere.

  8. moshiachnow:

    There are plenty of sephardim on this site im sure. The intended audience is a frum jew. If it is just as easy to put nusach sfard on the site along with the ashkenaz nusach , why not put it?

    Who cares what nusach?
    I happen to have a siddur in my desk so I dont need to look online to say birkat hamazon, but if I did i would surel want to pray how ive been praying all my life! Later today , when you eat bread im sure you wont take a bentcher in nusach sfard and say oh its the same thing anyway. In essence it is yes but each individual is used to his own way and the slight differences confuse you.

    Im with you on the glad yidden are benching part though.

  9. Sepharadim actually use the Nusach Edut Hamizrach not nusach Sephard or Arizal. And it would really be helpful if you could put it up as well.

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