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Ulster County Jew-Hater & Wife Found Dead

nysp.gifAn Ulster County white supremacist and his wife have been found dead inside their home in Hurly, NY on Tuesday. According to MidHudsonNews, NYSP were called to the residence of James and Deborah Leshkevich at 11:00AM, when co-workers of Deborah Leshkevich requested that authorities check the welfare of the property owners.

Police found the couple inside the residence: James Leshkevich, 52, was located in the attached garage while Deborah Leshkevich, 55, was found in a bedroom of the home. State Police are looking at the possibility of murder/suicide in relation to the deaths.

Leshkevich was known in Ulster County as a white separatist and supremacist – and openly hated Jews, blacks, and immigrants.

34 Responses

  1. Let’s try to show restraint, this was NOT a hate crime.

    One important thing left out, is there any indication that these two prominent people suffered in any way shape or form? That’s probably the most relevant aspect of this otherwise irrelevant news.

  2. What is wrong with you people? Do you have so much hatred of your own to judge erroneously and so swiftly? Who are you in your hearts as Jews or not to say such things? Isn’t it so there is only one to judge and its none of you people as far as I’m concerned. Someone wrote Mazel Tov???? Someone wrote, “they” will not be missed???? I’m appalled. You don’t even know. This woman was a woman of G-d and no one on Earth, and now in Heaven was kinder. All of you commentors should be ashamed and pray for your own souls. I couldn’t be more disgusted.

  3. #8 devastated:
    Of course it’s good riddance, and yes we hate these people. We are REQUIRED to hate them “umesan’echa hashem esnah”. “vechol karnei resha’im agadei’a” – they must all be wiped out (and will be when moshiach comes) from amaleik through white supremacists and down to every last grave desecrator and swastika painter (unless they repent).

  4. YNET is reporting that the only people seen leaving the home of the Leshkevich’s were two prominent admorim from Williamsburgh. They were said to be wearing only beketchas and singing yoidee lahashem chasdoi, while doing the kizatzkeh in middle of the street.

  5. #12: I didn’t realize that the song and dance you described was part of the Pulsa Denura precedure.

    I’ll have to recheck the instruction manual!

    A Freilichen Peerim Kooten!!

  6. Dear Devastated, it is actually against halacha to be dan rshayim l’caf zchus. Yes we, as all lucid and resonable people, dislike those who hate us. Whats wrong with us???!!! Whats wrong with you?


    Today is Purim katan. I suppose you consider it cruel and inhuman punishment to hang Haman and his ten children on that 100-foot-tall gallows.

    You probably oppose capital punishment for murderers, too.

    And, perhaps, you consider kosher slaughter to be violating the rights of animals.

    To straighten out all this misplaced compassion, call the Israel Book Shop in Lakewood, and order Rav Avigdor Miller’s tape onthe topic “BaaVod ReShaIm ReeNa.”–thenjoy we should all feel when evildoers get their just deserts.

    “HameRaChem Al HaReShoIm, SoFo LiHaYos AchZari Al HaTzaddikim.”

  8. I thought that it couldn’t be right, so I rechecked. Actualy I read the punctuation a bit wrong there (perhaps my glasses were a bit dirty!)

  9. I must beg you all to use judgment in your comments regarding the Leshkevich murder/suicide. From the standpoint of James Leshkevich, his hatred of all minorities was well known and we can only pray for G_d’s justice in this. You do a great diservice though, when you presume his wife to be of similar mind. I knew Mrs. Leskevich well. My wife (Jewish) counted her among her closest of friends as did I. We are devastated at her loss and already there have been so many tears. We’ve read the posts on other sites from the hate mongers blaming her, the victim for what happened. How terribly sad it was to see her in tears reading the posts from some of her own people, posted above, doing the same. Mrs. Leskevich feared her husband greatly and stayed with him not because she supported his actions but rather to protect her children, friends and family members from his insanity. She paid the ultimate price for that. She never once participated or became involved in any of his activities. In his last hours he wrote his madness and posted it on the internet and now even the news media continues to spread his filthy lies. That’s what he wanted. He knew very well what could be done on the Internet. He spent most all of his time on it spreading his hate. He’s beyond our reach now as is our dear friend. She was his victim and all we can do for her now is to let the truth be told and remember what a kind and generous person she was. As for him, as his life contributed nothing constructive, so let his memory be nothing.

  10. Dear So much pain,
    You left us all speechless.
    What a sad, horrible life, and now death, this woman had.
    May Ha-Shem be menachem the family and friends and may Mrs. Leshkevich’s neshama have an aliyah.

  11. to #19..what is this over used cliche’ “hatemongers”. Hatemongers were these 2 supremacists..also your wife is jewish,so what about it, what point your trying to make?

  12. >> #7 themohelman

    >>Binfol reshaim rina (With the downfall of the wicked there is gladness). MAZEL TOV!!

    Try again.
    uvavoid rishaim reenah
    (Mishlai 11)

  13. jent1150

    I was not trying to validate my opinion by mentioning my wife’s background nor did I seek to antagonize anyone. I was only appealing to what I know is the Jewish people’s better nature in exercising their judgment, especially wherein all the facts are not known. You see, my wife and I have been so appalled at the vicious lies spread by about our friend by racist supremacist types. The posting of his final rant, in which Mrs. Leshkevich’s husband seeks to strike out even after his own miserable death and the news media’s incredible insensitivity to the family in their insistence on publishing it, and the racist bigots who then try to blame the victim for what happened have brought great heartache to us. We would expect this from these people. What was so particularly painful was seeing such comments condemning Mrs. Leshkevich on this site by her own people. The words brought bitter tears from her and in her grief, she suggested to me that that attitudes such as this, extremism from all sides, will never allow us to live in peace. In short, for the first time, she felt somehow betrayed. I can completely understand how otherwise good people posting on this site might come to the conclusion that Mrs. Leshkevich was like her husband. All of you here, would easily have been targets of his hate, as would I for being in sympathy with you. So the point I’m trying to make is that when we, any of us, fail to understand that only by seeking other means than propagating hateful thought toward any person or group and instead turn our efforts toward understanding and preventing mistakes of the past, we only perpetuate and pass on that hate to others. Look how hatred has come down to Mrs. Leshkevich’s murderer, who sympathized with neo-nazi’s and other anti-Semitic groups. These groups connections to the past are obvious and history abundantly supplies us with examples of hatred breeding hatred. Jent1150, I believe G_d will judge us all, Jew and gentile alike one day, not only for our deeds but for what we carry in our hearts. Perhaps we all fall far short of what is expected of us. No people know better than the Jews what hatred can do. We all need to work much harder for understanding and compassion so that those with hatred in their hearts can be stopped. To those of you who who have expressed kind words and to those who understand what I’m trying to convey here, my heartfelt thanks go out to you. I seek to make this small woman’s death, as well as the death’s of countless innocent people every day, have meaning. One small voice against a world filled with hatred. That’s who Mrs. Leshkevich was. Perhaps, by adding my own voice to hers and if others can do the same, there is yet hope for us. Perhaps we can turn this tide of evil that seems to be sweeping our world. My sincere thanks to for allowing an outsider to have his moment. G_d’s blessings on you all.

  14. To so much pain,

    Thank you for providing us with some very pertinent details.

    Although you are greatly pained, I am sure you realize that upon reading media sources regarding the death/suicide of a supremacist and vitriolic minority hater, it is expected that readers will assume husband and wife to be of like minds.

    You have corrected that perception, and we thank you for that. Please realize that the outraged comments from disgusted commenters above were in reaction to a news item, without the benefit of your correction. The comments do not reflect hatred; they reflect justified emotion regarding the hate and poison of an anti-minority bigot.

    As we now know, his wife was indeed a victim, and it is cowardly to blame the victim. Likewise, in regard to James, Jews were his victims of hatred, and it is indeed just as wrong to blame his victims for their justified disgust at such a hate-filled bigot.

    Thank you again for your clarification, and best wishes for a safer, peaceful world for all of us.

  15. to #24..dont have time to write such long letters to refute you. hate is when one is out to kill destroy like the subject matter under disscusion also see koran kill slaughter jews christian etc, klu klux klan,if not for govt then they’d slaughter us,but we dont hate if not govt, we’d not run around killing people and of course when enemies who would slaughter us dissapear of course well rejoise thats not hatred “binfoil oivacha al tismach” trans. “when your enemy falls do not rejoise” thats not refering to enemies who are out to slaughter us ,a privte enemy one has feud with etc. By the way since this couple were your aquaintence did you ever give them (him) this same speech? also the statement you make “her own people” is not relavant to our disscussion dont know how “betray” comes into this disscussion but while talking about betray, didnt she betray her people by marring out of her please this is not out of hate against non jews..why, is to long discussion but will refer you to some sites on subject jews we are obligated to greet everyone jew and gentile alike etc,not to steal etc see talmud unlike koran …so not marring out is not because of hatred see links so back to my poind isnt she being hypocritical when using term “betray”..again please dont be offended its not out of hatred im mentioning this..

  16. jent1150,

    I know it’s Purim Katan… Could that be impairing your reading ability today?

    ‘So much pain’ is a gentile, who is in pain regarding the murder of a friend of the family, murdered by her bigoted husband. She, the victim, did not share her spouse’s (and killer’s) prejudiced views.

    The “her people” is referencing the writer’s own wife, who was pained at reading the outraged comments regarding the victim, her friend, whom she knows is innocent of prejudice and wrongdoing. It is inappropriate to offer your thoughts on intermarriage, however well meaning, to the gentile spouse of a Jewish woman. Do you really need me to say this?!

  17. To jent1150,

    I know those are not merely your “thoughts”, but to a passing stranger, they are, and perhaps don’t need to be voiced.

    My apologies for coming on strong- perhaps I could have been more gentle. All the best.

  18. so much pain,

    As Sarah mentioned before, most people on this site did not personally know the Leshkevichs. I had never heard of them before I read this story.

    People were simply responding to the article above with no knowledge that she was his victim and not his accomplice. There was no mention in the article that she was his victim so ppl assumed that she shared his mindset. Birds of a flock usually stick together. With that mindset they expressed happiness that 2 hatemongers are no longer with us.

    Had they known that she was his victim, they certainly would not have blamed her for anything at all, and instead would have had only sympathy for that poor woman who must have lived through hell on this world.

    I hope that you and your wife will be comforted and no longer be in pain, and I’m sure Mrs. Leshkevich is receiving her reward above for her self sacrifice to protect others from her deranged, dangerous and hateful husband.

  19. Not Chanife, jent1150, but avoiding Chillul Hashem. Do you mention Torah perspective on this inyan to every instance of this you meet, at work etc?

    On YW, as in all public spheres, you are a representative of HKBH and Klal Yisrael. Every comment counts.

  20. #32…do you know the meaning of chillel hashem? doesnt seem so ..anyone oiver any mitzvah is b’gader chilil hashem. chilel hasham is not when one discusses an aveirah and the listener happens to to be guilty of that avaeira whether b’shogeg or b’maizid frum or not frum thatsntcilil hashem. The tetsh (meaning)of chilil hashem is to make “chol” the words of the holy torah, which is to disregard “his” mitzvos. #2 we dont embarrass anybody since nodody knows whos who when posting. now when we keep the mitzvos whether public… is kiddush hashem when one is oiver any mitzvos whetehr b’mazud,or disregards it,like saying its not for me or i’m not from orthodox thats chilil hashem if i tell them “you didnt do right thats kiddish hashem..again we tried to point out for #24 with according to you that i `pointed out to #24 that intermarriage is one of the taryag mitzvos “lo tischaten b’heim” is chilil hashem,hich it is not,as per discusion above..i’ve noticed your posts other places there is dass torah and das bal habais(teh) now your opinions if can bring reious from our holy writings go ahead, otherwise personal opinions are not dass torah what i wrote i brought rayes to #19 #24 again what i said was not in malice just pointing out the almighty’s laws regarding the jewish people (nobody else wanted to accept) also see shemos 20 pusuk 8 in clei yakar on “zochores yom hashabos l’kadsho 2nd piece l’gaby nonjew to observe the mitzvos.(that can be regarding them not likelets say not eatng chomez

  21. Ok, jent1150, it doesn’t look like I can have any influence on you, so best to part in peace. You might want to ask your Rosh/mentor if giving shmuesen re issurim to nochrim is appropriate hanhagah, because you’re not going to listen to me, an anonymous internet voice.

    Your shmuz re Chillul Hashem is accurate, but unrelated to our dialogue, incidentally. If you look up the sources and take the time to learn, you’ll find that actions before nochrim, although a minor part of Chillul Hashem, is still a reality.

    I hope you don’t give pilpul to your nochrim co-workers, next-door neighbors, or train-mates on the Torah’s issurim, but if you do, and it seems likely that you do, given your insistence that nochrim can be “oiver” the taryag mitzvos, and furthermore, their “aveirah” is causing a chillul Hashem and it’s a kiddush Hashem to publicly call their attention to their “aveirah”, please speak with someone you respect as a Godol to make sure, just in case, that your actions are truly a Kiddush Hashem.

  22. “So much pain”, my friends and I figured a Jew was in the mix, playing head games with this man’s wife to turn her against her husband. There is always a Jew when it comes to something like a tragedy of a man like James Leshkovich and his foolish wife. You Jews are diversity promoters and hate anyone who opposes it. These kinds of men like Leshkovich loves his race and wants our survival. That is hardly hatred or racism. After all, Jews are 100% for Jews. If it is fine and dandy for Jews,then it was just as right for Mr. Leshkovich. Sure, sure, I know you don’t think so, but the laws of nature say otherwise.

    It was evil to interfere in that man and his silly wife’s marriage. The problem with you Jews is you respect nothing and are always labeling other people with hate or racism. Show a little respect for a good man who was chained to a misguided, adulterous wife.

  23. My Jewish friends I’m afraid our days are numbered in America.

    Our stranglehold of the American banking system through our wholly Jewish owned and control Federal Reserve Bank has all but wrecked their economy. The U.S. dollar has lost 75% of its value since 2001 and some 30% in the last year alone.

    Our dominance and control over American media in all of its facets including television and radio broadcasting and most of the mainstream papers is being usurped by the Internet where our Jewish filter isn’t at all effective as in the aforementioned types of media.

    Our control of the NAACP has been very effective in our use of the American negroe in driving a wedge between the white race and negroe race. I’m reminded of what Israel Cohen stated in 1912. We have seen his fore site come to fruition in our own lifetime.

    “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

    — Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957.

    We of course are furthering our agenda through our control and influence of U.S. immigration policies. The unfettered entrance of the Hispanic into the American states coupled with our exploitation of the negroe race should be sufficient to bring an end to white rule in the United States.

    The problem we Jews face is what we will do as more whites awake to our policies and plans and believe that we may be the true object and target of their retribution for the deterioration of their nation.

    How shall the Jewish people keep their families and communities safe in the coming collapse of the American economy and thus American society?

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