EJA Calls on Polish Government to Reverse Ruling

General Director of the European Jewish Association (EJA), Rabbi Menachem Margolin has called upon polish and EU leaders to help and reverse Polish constitutional court ruling, banning kosher butchering in the country.

“It has been proven scientifically, that kosher butchering does not allow the animal to feel pain said Margolin.” There have been many experiments, checking the animal’s nervous system activity during Kosher butchering, that proven behind any shadow of doubt that the animal either doesn’t feel pain because there simply isn’t, or it goes into sudden shock that prevents its brain from feeling anything due sudden drop of blood pressure in the animal’s brain.”

In a letter sent by Rabbi Margolin to the Polish president and chief Justice, he specifies the instant feeling that has risen among Jews all over the world when hearing about a Polish Court ruling so devastating to Jewish welfare and freedom of religion. “Kosher butchering is essential for sustenance of Jewish life and its ban hurts Jews not only in Poland but in other places across Europe that import kosher meat from there”.

In addition, Rabbi Margolin has stated that the issue is going to be discussed in the EU Parliament this upcoming Thursday (15 Kislev 5773) in the EJA initiated “Freedom of Religion” inter-faith conference.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The poles were (are) the most experienced ‘kosher buchers’.
    Just look at their history or progroms and Nazi collaboration etc. How ironic…

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