FAKE NEWS? School Shooting Survivor Claims CNN Gave Him Scripted Questions For Gun-Violence Town Hall


Colton Haab, a survivor of the Parkland, Florida school shooting, claimed CNN tried to feed him scripted questions to the network’s Wednesday night town hall on gun violence.

Haab, 17, alleged that he had submitted questions to CNN asking about increasing school security, but they instead offered scripted ones they had written.

Carlson reacted with shock, asking “they put their own words into your question?”

When Haab confirmed, Carlson pressed “but that seems dishonest?” Haab agreed, and said that was one of the reasons he decided not to attend the town hall — adding that he thought CNN had also written questions for the other students.

“It was very upsetting to me,” Haab said.

“It’s shocking to us too, trust me, in the actual journalism business,” Carlson concluded.

Haab has been hailed as a hero for his actions during the shooting.

CNN spokesperson Richard Hudock:

“There is absolutely no truth to this. CNN did not provide or script questions for anyone in last night’s town hall, nor have we ever. After seeing an interview with Colton Haab, we invited him to participate in our town hall along with other students and administrators from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Colton’s father withdrew his name from participation before the forum began, which we regretted but respected. We welcome Colton to join us on CNN today to discuss his views on school safety.”

5 Responses

  1. Based on the way the person attacked Senator Rubio as well as others who happened to think like Right kind of people, there’s NO way you could convince me that there weren’t any leftist shenanigans going on.

  2. Sadly, this kid is a liar. Read for yourself the copies of the email exchanges on CNN’s website. The producers and anchor did a great job of allowing an unscripted exchange within the limits of keeping the town hall on point and encouraging hard questions versus “speeches” that consumed excessive time within a 2 hour live broadcast.

  3. Gadolhadorah, no wonder your brain is so messed up. Your source of “fake” news and information comes from outlets like CNN a MSNBC, now this explains a lot about you. Gadolhadorah, you are a product of “Fake News” propaganda.

  4. The family has not challenged the accuracy of the verbatim email exchanges posted online. You can be #MoisheinFoxNews if that makes you feel better but you are not entitled to be “#MoisheMakingHisOwnFacts”

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