NJ: Christie Says Sandy Damage Nearly $37 Billion

NJ Gov. Chris Christie is asking for nearly $37 billion in federal aid to recover and rebuild after Superstorm Sandy.

Christie announced the revised total Wednesday to include $7.4 billion to cover mitigation and prevention of future disasters. A preliminary total of $29.4 billion announced last week is for repairs and response.

Christie is requesting that amount, which is greater than his state’s entire yearly budget, from the federal government.

Christie says more than 30,000 homes or businesses were destroyed or sustained substantial damage from last month’s storm; 230,000 New Jerseyans have registered for Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance.

In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has asked for about $42 billion in federal aid – $32 billion for repairs and restoration and more than $9 billion to head off future disasters.


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