ADL Director: Decline in US anti-Semitism

adl11.jpgADL Director Abraham Foxman was hosted today by the Knesset Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs – and issued the following report: The number of anti-Semitic incidents in the US dropped from 1,757 in 2005, to 1,350 in 2007. Additionally, he said that one of three Americans still believes American Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the United States.

(Source: Ynet)

6 Responses

  1. Sammygol, do you think you could disagree with people without being quite so sharp? Ono’as devorim is a misuse of your literary talent which otherwise keeps us remarkably entertained. Keep up the witty comments, just keep it slightly less personal please!

  2. I don’t get why it’s such a big deal that we should be more loyal to Israel than the U.S. This is just the WASPS playing out their fears on us. You think Hispanic immigrants aren’t more loyal to Mexico, Guatemala, etc.? Blacks don’t feel strongly for African countries? Shall we talk about Arab Americans?

    I am definitely more loyal to Israel than the US (although that’s not to say I feel much loyalty to either). The simple fact is if it was a matter of choosing between the two I would choose my people in a second. Wouldn’t any of you?

  3. Sammygol, I doubt Foxman has time to read YW and he probably couldn’t care less what she says anyways, whereas you are responding, as you quite often do, directly to somebody’s face in a very disparaging way which is quite likely to make them feel uncomfortable. I.e. Ono’as devorim. Keep the elixir of wit flowing, just leave out the trace of vitriol.

  4. “Granny, he isn’t blowing his own wind. Rather, he is using the published statistics, probably available to you, as well”

    No, he is using statistics collected by ADL, and ADL has an agenda to make it seem like Jews belong in American and should be looked as Jewish Americans. (remember, ADL is conservative/reform)

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