Tehillim Needed For Tosher Rebbe

tehillim1.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The Tzibur is asked to please be Mispallel for the Tosher Rebbe Shlita – who was rushed by Hatzolah to Jewish General Hospital in Montreal on Monday morning with severe difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, his condition has deteriorated throughout the day, and is reportedly in critical condition. There will be Minyanim for Tehillim in all Tosher Batei Midrashim 5:15PM EST. Please be Mispallel for Mishulim Fayish ben Tzirel.

(YW-782 / YW-112 / YW-Lipas)

11 Responses

  1. OY!! I have relatives there that at least one of them is in charge of Hatzaloh, anyhow may the Tosher Rebbe, Shlit”a have Refuah Shleima Bimheira!!

  2. Is it Fayish (unusual) or is it meant to be Fayvish?

    One of the tzaddikei hador. May we hear besuros tovos about all cholei yisroel

  3. #3. A bit overdone???!!!!
    Not as bad as the article says????
    Are you normal?
    Even if the article wasnt the emes , which it is , if a gadol is even a little sick we must say tehilim and have him in our thoughts and prayers. Chutzpah

  4. As of 9 i hear there is improvement.
    Keep the tfillohs coming, or how about a seder or an hour or anything of learning
    Besuros Tovos

  5. #6, I was not telling anybody C”V not to say tehillim. Aderaba you should be saying tehillim everyday, that he should stay healthy. What I was saying was that the article was overstating the level of condition that the Rebbe was in. He is K”H a very old man. He was taken in to the hospital, but not in the condition that was stated here. His name is Feish, like Feishel. The Family has a lot of relatives with the same name. Lets hope that he has a complete Refuah and that he comes home to once again give chizuk to the thousands of people who flock to see him every year.

  6. I think it’s a state of denial that we don’t want to believe that the Rebbe who has always davend andd helped and had in mind every one is now really in a situation where he needs OUR help, our Tehilim that is.

    the latest is that the situation is improving b”h but very gradually, it’s like Hashem showing us that the tremendous outpour of Tefillos from kllal yisroel worldwidw is accpeted and is working,

    But the rebbe needs more Tehilim. Please daven for the Rebbe one of the last pillars left from an old generation, who has never done anything for himself, but gave away even what he didn’t have t help his fellow yid, no matter of what background or connection to him.

    Keep on Davening for Rebbe Meshulem Feish Ben Tzirel
    מרן משולם פייש בן צירל לרפוש”ב

  7. U/D Thursday 3:30p

    Just got this good news message,

    חסדי ה’ כי לא תמנו כי לא כלו רחמיו
    Chasdei Hashem Ki lo somnu
    with gratitude to Hashem we just got the Besoireh Toiva that
    the Rebbe zol gezunt zein just arrived back home in Tosh-Shtetl
    The Rebbe shlita arrived at #36 his son the the Ruv Shlita’s house approx 3:20p

    The Doctors all admit that the power of tefillo and the tremendous outpour of Tehilim and prayers have helped the Rebbe Miraculously.

    ימים על ימי מלך תוסיף שנותיו כמו דור ודור עביגו”צ בב”א


    We need to keep the Tfillos coming, for the Rebbe to be Gezunt un Shtark, gain back his full strength, and lead us to great Moshiach soon, Omein.

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