Hatzolah Israel Uses Burn Shields on Child Burned With Hot Soup

hatzolah israel1.jpgThe 22-month old baby was injured this morning when boiling soup spilled on him. He was burned on his stomach and upper part of his body.

Volunteers of Hatzolah Israel rushed to the area in Ramat Shlomo and treated him with “Burn Shields”.

A Burn Shield is a bandage with a gel composed of more than 90% water and natural ingredients with the power to quickly decrease skin temperature and sterilize the wound. Its beauty is in its simplicity – it can be applied in rough field conditions, by virtually anyone, to effectively treat first- through third-degree burns, reducing healing time, and the need for skin grafting.

The paramedics reported that the baby suffered 2nd degree burns over 28% of his body.

He was evacuated in moderate condition by an intensive-care ambulance to Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem.

7 Responses

  1. It’s available all over the world under different names. “Water-Jel”, “Burn Jel”, “Burn Shield”, etc. Ask your pharmacist. They’re all the same.
    BUT – it still does not replace running cold water over the burn area for TWENTY MINUTES.

  2. For some reason they are imported from England and South Africa. Its definately worth buying, it works amazing, and is highly recomended by burn specialists (its much more effective than cool water)

  3. I work in a kithen were burns happen quite often could someone who has experience [doctor, emt, hatzolah personnel….] with the product explain if it is really better then 20 minutes of cold water as been one or or it is just an expensive gauze pad. please explain thank you

  4. Just for the sake of accuracy….(they are my next door neighbors.) The child is 12 months old and he has burns on 5-6% of his body. He was released from the hospital within a few hours and is B”H fine. They did treat him in the ambulance with the burn shields, B”H.

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