FBI Says They Were Warned About Alleged Shooter Nearly 5 Months Ago

The FBI received a tip months before Wednesday’s Florida high school shooting that alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz wrote about being “a professional school shooter” in a YouTube comment.

Ben Bennight, a Mississippi bail bondsman who goes by the name “Ben The Bondsman” on YouTube and social media, said he reported a threatening comment left on one of his videos in September.

The comment, made by a user named Nikolas Cruz, stated: “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.”

At a press conference on Thursday morning, the FBI said that they investigated the tip, but were unable to come up with anything in their database.

A simple Google search of the same name used on the YouTube comment would have brought up the suspects social media accounts, on which he posed with guns, knives and spoke about violence.

“Well the next day I had two FBI agents standing in my office, taking down the information, taking copies of the screenshots and asking me questions that, of course, I couldn’t answer. All it was on my channel was a comment,” Bennight said.

Bennight said he reported the disturbing comment because he “just couldn’t ignore” it.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. I was davka thinking about this sort of issue. Suppose that the FBI did follow up adequately with this person. What would they have done? Would they have gone to his house and asked if he was serious? Would they hire a local psychiatrist to determine whether this kid was sane? Suppose he was completely sane, just a bad person. Even if such an assessment could be accurately made, what could have actually been done? I imagine that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such comments on the internet every day, and it’s not clear to me what should be done about them.

  2. FBI is way too busy with fake-news Russia-Trump probe.

    This is a major screw-up by the FBI. Searched his name right after the shooting and easily found all his photos posing with guns.

  3. Somehow the leftists who have been complaining about the FBI stalking posts on social media have, for the moment, disappeared. They will come back when this is no longer headlines. But it is the like of those that tied the hands of the FBI in this case from investigating further on social media (that would be stalking and unconstitutional and just plain FBI-ish) and they are the ones to blame when this happens again for the same reason.

  4. > M
    “What would they have done?”

    How about confiscating his weapons and putting him on a blacklist from buying any more?

    “Would they hire a local psychiatrist to determine whether this kid was sane? ”

    He was already a patient, but neglected to show up for some time.

  5. To Rebbe Yid and Ferd. I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of kids/people out there with pictures online posing with guns, with extreme comments, etc. Should the FBI or police order a detail to cover each one of these people? Should they periodically check the kid’s house and confiscate all guns in their possession? Should they add their names to the no-buy-guns lists? What do you think they could do better?

  6. > M

    “Should the FBI or police order a detail to cover each one of these people? ”

    Not only that, but bring each one to trial. I think that most (not all) of the $5 billion budget for the immigration services that have nothing better to do than raid such places as Rubashkins simply to satisfy the unions should, instead, go to doing something that really matters, like showing these people that guns and threats are like alcohol and cars – they do not mix.

  7. So, will anything happen to Rod Rosenstein, Chris Wray, or Andrew McCabe? No, of course not. The corrupt FBI is NEVER responsible for any screw-ups they do no matter how many innocent lives are lost. They are above the law.
    The FBI has much more important things to do, like raid our Mosdos offices to see if they are using federal money to buy computers. They are busy kicking in citizens doors at 3:00am because they made a mistake on their tax return or bounced a check by mistake. Sure, I really feel safe now. Way to go FBI.

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